Briliant ! I like those 'pretend' stockings. Very novel![]()
Briliant ! I like those 'pretend' stockings. Very novel![]()
Well the guy in the background certainly isn't window shopping or looking at the cameraman.and his bird is oblivious to him looking.
Belter pics them I must say.![]()
Keeping it real!
Thats very kind of you John...thanks lad...
---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------
So do I do I ......thanks Linda.
Thats Jenny running..with Adele in the background..
They are part of a Liverpool girlie band called The Liver Birds...
The group was put together by my mate Sam Leach....
I'd been taking girlie shots for him at a practise session at Crash Studios..
Sam was The Beatles 1st promoter and the man responsible for putting on The Beatles biggest ever UK gig of over 4,300...
Operation Big Beat which was at New Brighton Tower Ballroom on November 10th 1961...
Sam also put on the John Lennon Peace Memorial at The St Georges Hall when Liverpool looked on and did nothing..
UNUSUAL PICS OF THIS EVENT on my website below....(Ehhh..its good this 'theres one on my website' m'larky...
dont know why I never did this yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago....I'd have 4 million hits by now...
Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images
I wonder if your friend was involved with this incident...
Default 1962 and all that.
For many years I had a friend that played trumpet with Aker Bilks' band in the Cavern and elsewhere about Liverpool.
ColinRanger Smith, a qualified electrician, taught himself to read and write music after buying a yukulele( A small guitar with 4 strings?) when a boy. He grew up in Potters Bar and as a lad was some sort of 'sea-scout' and served on the RRS Discovery which was berthed on the Thames at that time, it is now in Dundee.
[incidently the very first trouble recorded at an outdoor music festival was at a Bilk gig]
He told me a tale of the birth of the Beatles...[1962-I think]
Aker Bilks' band often played at the Cavern, Trad Jazz. With the Beatles supporting. In the summer AB's band was booked to play on a 'ferry' that plied from Liverpool to the IOM, for the IOM Jazz Festival. Times were good. The young Colin playing regularly at all the best venues, sports car etc.
The band was also booked at a large Country House gig inland from Liverpool to be played after the summer 'rush', again with the Beatles in support.
However, when the time came for that next gig it was they who played support.
The Beatles had hit the big time.
The rest is history.
It's an ill wind... so they say.
I posted that story on this thread...
Agree. If people are looking, why not help them and tell them.![]()
That is the only type of story I would believe Oudeis about The Beatles..
one told to you by the actual person who witnessed the event.
I could tell you plenty of stories Ouedis...all true, from people I know that were there and witnessed it all.... from the likes of John Lennons sister Julia who contacted me with certain privileged information I will never repeat..
not 3rd and 4th hand rubbish taken from some site full of attention seeking cranks or bad Beatles tour guides that know nothing....
Hows about what happened when Little Richard touched up a Mersey Beat legend in front of John Lennon at The She Club on Victoria St..?
Or the legendary Beatles show that nearly never came off because one of them was sacked on the spot half an hour before for being blind drunk...?
Or what Cilla Black did when meeting somebody from 30 years previous who was in the same band as her for several years....
Got loads of them....that I'll never ever tell as they were told to me in confidence...
by people that were there that I've become friends with that trust me..
Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images
Pete Best of The Beatles..
Roag on the other drum kit.
The Pete Best band at The Adelphi Hotel..
Mersey Cats 20th anniversary night..
Karl Terry And The Cruisers..
1st saw Karl around 1972 at The Mitre on Dale Street..
Karl is one of Liverpools best showmen is still doing the business.
Billy Kinsley (with an i !!..) of The Merseybeats.. Liverpool Express etc...
Billy gets his name on the Mathew Street wall of fame..(again..!..)
he is the record holder being on there about 9 times in different bands..
Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images
You know when you spend enough time with people that you get to know them..thats how I believe and trust the likes of Bill Harry, Sam Leach and others that were you know Julia ?.. I mean personally...I've got a feeling you commented for me to ask that so you could say yes...believe me, what I was told by Julia is true..and is disgraceful...I can guarantee even you, who I dont know from Adam..would agree.
---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------
Klauss Voormann...unveils his Beatles painting at The Hard Days Night Hotel..
Klauss designed The Revolver Album cover and one time nearly joined The Beatles..
Special thanks to an eye witness who was John Lennons mate at The Art College...
sorry, I mean my good friend Bill Harry for inviting me along to take the photographs at this event...
The Amazing Kappa Band..
Paul Kappa at his brilliant best..
Charlie Gallagher..of the legendary Cryin' Shames...
Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images
Midnight on Kensington..
The Boxer..
Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images
The picture of the Boxer is fantastic , is this available to buy as a print ?
You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
Malcolm X
Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images
Hi Gerard
Excellent to see these photographs. Fine work throughout, mate!
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace