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Thread: West Derby Courthouse

  1. #1
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Default West Derby Courthouse

    A STOP the Rot success story will get its grand reopening this weekend after a £110,000 restoration.

    The Lord Mayor, Cllr Joan Lang, will give official approval to the unique West Derby courthouse at a ceremony on Saturday.

    The sandstone Tudor structure is the only free-standing post-medieval courthouse in Britain and dates from 1586 when it was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth I, as Lady of the Duchy of Lancaster manor of West Derby.

    But it was deteriorating and was on the English Heritage's 'buildings at risk' register as well as the ECHO's Stop the Rot hitlist.

    Funding from the city council's buildings at risk programme and a £45,000 English Heritage grant funded the repairs, with replacement sandstone brought from St Bees in Cumbria because there were no red sandstone quarries left in Liverpool, and traditional lime and mortar used.

    Stephen Guy, of the West Derby Society, said: "The courthouse reopened last July, and over the summer it had morethan 900 visitors. It was a great success considering there was very little publicity.

    "This year so far we've been averaging 50 people each Sunday, although we've had up to 106 visitors in one afternoon."

    The city's executive member for heritage, Cllr Berni Turner, said: "It's a credit to all the volunteers and local people who have got involved and to the council officers and English Heritage who have really pulled together on the project."

    The courthouse has document cupboards dating from the early 18th century, which are believed to have come from the home of the Earl of Sefton when he moved to Croxteth hall. The date 1711 is carved into the wood.

    The official reopening is at 10.30am this Saturday. The courthouse is open from 2-4pm every Sunday from April to October and entry is free.

    Hidden Charm - a must!!

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    It's on my doorstep as well I really should take advantage of things like this,great news this though.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Paul D
    It's on my doorstep as well I really should take advantage of things like this,great news this though.
    Mine too, Paul. I must pass it most days, although I've never been in it! I find it difficult to see how they spent £110,000 renovating it though.

    There's a building of similar age and style directly opposite which someone started to renovate a while ago, but work seems to have stopped — more's the pity.

    Pics courtesy of Keele University
    Ermine tastes much the same as sackcloth when there's nothing left to eat.

  4. #4
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Pictures please dudes and dudettes
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  5. #5
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    I went in it many years back.

    I've got a pamphlet with some of the history of West Derby - must root it out.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    Excellent pictures scousemouse I hope you don't mind I've borrowed them and put them on SSC because the picture we had there was very poor,I suppose I should have asked first but it is all for the good of Liverpool,please forgive me.

  7. #7
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Thet are great pics
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev
    Thet are great pics
    I put them in the hidden charms thread because the one there was blurred and no good at all but these are amazing,I've never seen inside there before.

  9. #9


    Sorry fellas, but I forgot to credit Keele University with the pics!
    Guess I'm living up to the stereotypical scouse!! Hope you'll come and visit me inside.

    I've now corrected the omission.

    PS. There's another pic in the site Paul.
    Ermine tastes much the same as sackcloth when there's nothing left to eat.

  10. #10
    Stop the bullies! Gareth's Avatar
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    I may try to get there tomorrow as it's only a five minute walk from mine. I've been in there a couple of times as a kid, so it's been a few years. From what I remember, the interior is very 'Blackadder' if I'm to coin a term.
    "I'm a white male, 18 to 49. Everyone listens to me! No matter how dumb my suggestions are."

  11. #11
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth
    I may try to get there tomorrow as it's only a five minute walk from mine. I've been in there a couple of times as a kid, so it's been a few years. From what I remember, the interior is very 'Blackadder' if I'm to coin a term.
    Blackadder was class, that series especially.
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  12. #12
    Stop the bullies! Gareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev
    Blackadder was class, that series especially.
    Aye, it was. I'm sure you could blag that West Derby Courthouse was the set for for Blackadder II to some unsuspecting tourist, as it could easily pass as it.
    "I'm a white male, 18 to 49. Everyone listens to me! No matter how dumb my suggestions are."

  13. #13
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth
    Aye, it was. I'm sure you could blag that West Derby Courthouse was the set for for Blackadder II to some unsuspecting tourist, as it could easily pass as it.
    I have a cunning plan.........

    Seriously though - I must take a trip there too.
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  14. #14
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    Default Historic city courthouse reopened

    Historic city courthouse reopened

    One of Liverpool's oldest buildings - the 16th Century West Derby Courthouse- is to be officially reopened after a successful restoration programme.

    The courthouse has been
    extensively repaired

    It will be officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Joan Lang, on Saturday.

    The opening ceremony will feature members of the Sealed Knot society, who re-enact Civil War battle scenes.

    The courthouse had fallen into disrepair but a £110,000 repairs programme has secured its future.

    The cash came from the Council's Building at Risk programme and English Heritage.

    'Fascinating history'

    Courts have been held in West Derby since Saxon times but the courthouse dates from 1586 when Queen Elizabeth I, as Lady of the Duchy of Lancaster Manor of West Derby, commissioned the building.

    It was in use by 1623 and is thought to be the only free standing building of this period still containing its original courtroom fittings.

    Benches and storage cupboards that contained original court documents are still in place.

    Specialist conservation architects, builders and furniture restorers have been involved in the restoration work.

    Councillor Berni Turner said: "The Courthouse is a precious Elizabethan building and has a fascinating history which the public will now be able to view."

    Source: BBC NEWS | Merseyside

  15. #15
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Default West Derby Courthouse and West Derby Castle

    Hi all

    I picked this up at I can't speak to the accuracy of the information.

    The West Derby Courthouse was built in 1586 and was renovated in the last two years. It is open to visitors on sundays between 2.00pm and 4.00pm between April and October. The courthouse is situated next to the 61 bus stop.

    More pics at

    I photographed the Courthouse in the 1960's in black and white with my old Kodak Brownie with a motor scooter or two outside so I must scan that pic and post it too.

    I know that years ago the vague shape of the motte and bailey castle at West Derby was visible, I believe, in a field east of the village. Is that still the case? Can anything be seen. Anyone know, and how does one get to it if is visible? Thanks in advance for any information.

    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
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