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Thread: Rockferry Pier & Crane

  1. #1
    georgie t
    Guest georgie t's Avatar

    Arrow Rockferry Pier & Crane

    well i didnt think things could get any worse after doing the Llandulas jetty a while ago and stepping lightly was again needed but this thing is bloody huge

    Llandulas jetty was bad but this thing is a death trap every inch of it the only saving grace after you get to the end is its concrete but even then it still bad with holes everywhere but there was a nice big crane at the end which i had an attempt at climbing only to realise it want a good idea without a harness so the cab area was good enough for me i even tried to climb the outside but soon came down after a worried kev kept telling me to (good move)

    so with the mersey swill getting even more fierce and the tide rising quite fast we decided to get off this pier asap


    As with the neighbouring settlement of Rock Ferry to the north, a ferry service gave its name to the locality, with the first recorded mention of New Ferry in 1774
    The new pier and landing stage were opened on Friday 30th June 1899 by the Mayor, Alderman J T Thompson at 5.30pm, public services started at 6.30pm. Birkenhead Corporation operated the triangular service between Rock Ferry, New Ferry and Liverpool using two of the smaller existing Birkenhead boats, Mersey and Wirral.
    After the closure of the ferry, the pier and landing stage remained in use, with various organisations paying to use it, most notably being the training ships Conway and Indefatigable. In 1955 Cammel Laird bought the pier from Birkenhead Corporation for it to become part of a tanker cleaning and degreasing berth. The bridge was removed and the landing stage broken up in March 1957.

    The pier’s now delapidated metal frame snakes out like a crooked accusing finger towards the gasometer in The Dingle across the way

    explored with kevsy21

  2. #2
    Martin hmtmaj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Stoneycroft / Old Swan


    Great pics and info, you could do a book on your threads
    Started the Old Swan Website:

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Member tezmac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    That look's very run down
    In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king

  5. #5
    Senior Member Norm NZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Sad to see it like that! My memories of it are from the 1950's when the ferries were in their hayday. Thanks for the pics Georgie! and "watch your step now, don't look down!!!"

  6. #6
    georgie t
    Guest georgie t's Avatar


    cheers m8 i do have a return trip planned for this as i have un finished buisness with that crane

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