So what's happening to the Peel plan??
That's quite separate Steve. The procrastination caused by UNESCO and them not meeting about this until in the new year to give 'their' decision puts these plans back even further, yet some (very few though) still blame Peel for these delays but cannot see they just want to press ahead. They should lay the blame at the preservation trust, Wayne Colqhoun - 1 person causing a stink and having too much of a voice for one man, stirring it and getting the blocks put on this progress that will actually bring the old back into being again.
I'm also aware of Chinese and Indian investment waiting in the wings but seeing how this goes first. How long will these private investors wait though before thinking of us as backward thinking and placing their wealth elsewhere. We should be grabbibng it with both hands screaming thank you, thank you, thank you.
This was born out of our Expo exhibition in our twinned city, Shanghai, but they must be wondering now why we bothered.
liverpool dock by exacta2a, i
Will I still be able to go ice skating in the dock like last year ?
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Haven't posted on here for a while, hope everyone is doing ok... Surely there is more going on than just Mr Colquoun's heritage lobbying? For me it is the council's short sightedness of designating the area around King Edward Street as a tall building zone, and then placing it within the so called buffer zone of the world heritage site!! No wonder we now have a conflict of interests (imo the placement of the Mann Island dev is far worse than anything proposed by Peel). I'm sure the whs status has provided Liverpool with extra tourists, but it seems it is now no longer fit for purpose imo.
After all the scepticism we have had about Peel's intentions over the last few years, it's time to get behind them as they seem to have got sufficient interest for the scheme to become viable. I guess one good thing about this is that if it is called in to central gov, Cameron's cronies will not want to be seen as ones to stifle economic growth and so the scheme may come out of this fairly unaltered. We'll see...
Good post Ingo. The council it seems backed themselves into a corner putting forward the central docks area for the WHS - which is some good distance away from the 3 graces.
Last day of trading today in the market,they hope to have the new Sunday market up and running in 2 months.
I don`t think it will be as patronised as the old one used to be awhile back.
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