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Thread: Edge Lane Demolition.

  1. #1
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Default Edge Lane Demolition.

    Passing through the Holt rd/Edge lane junction,I was surprised at how much demolition had taken place,since I was last there! There's only one corner untouched,which is St.Cyprian's church,which I presume, isn't going to come down,even though it's closed?? They're really cracking on with it,and it seems to involve a fair few of the adjoining streets! It reminds me of those pic's of the mass demolitions in the 60's,in Everton,etc.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Here are a few more of the surrounding area,including the "Shipperies" pub.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Dont know if the old police/fire station is going,but looks like the Bethel church is! Arnside st pictured,only has a couple of occupants left, but further along is an example of the new housing,which looks like an improvement,especially with all the greenery!(Anyone have any idea who Chris Ward is?as he's had a road named after him!)
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  4. #4
    Newbie amcewen's Avatar
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    Not sure if I should thank you for posting those pictures or not ;-) I haven't been down Edge Lane since they were just starting to pull stuff down, and hadn't seen the devastation before...

    I wonder if Chris Ward had something to do with Edge Hill College. Those 1980s(?) houses are built on the site where Edge Hill College was before it moved out to Ormskirk (in 1933 I think).

    The area round the Shipperies and the Fire Station has been down for a few months. I took some photos of it then, and compared the view now and then on my blog using photos from Google Street View.

  5. #5
    Senior Member burkhilly's Avatar
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    I go up and down Edge Lane all the time - and they certainly did knock down everything very quickly. Personally I am very annoyed that all the Victorian houses etc have gone - for a road! However having said that, people who lived in the houses actually on Edge Lane suffered horrendous noise and pollution.

    With regards to St Cyprians - there is an order on it - so that's saved as are the houses to the side of the church.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burkhilly View Post
    I go up and down Edge Lane all the time - and they certainly did knock down everything very quickly. Personally I am very annoyed that all the Victorian houses etc have gone - for a road! However having said that, people who lived in the houses actually on Edge Lane suffered horrendous noise and pollution.
    The Liverpool Lime St to Wigan line is to be electrified and looks like being brought into Merseyrail. It runs a parallel to the M62 and Edge Lane. The mini-motorway along the Strand and to Leeds St, a part of the old silly Shankland plan, is to link up with this ridiculous unneeded road system.

    The money should have been spent on recommissioning the Wapping tunnel from Edge Hill to Central station and Kings Dock Then people use rapid-transit to get from the east of the city to the main city centre points within minutes. Then no need for ugly polluting roads and needless demolition.

    I would sack people in Merseytravel for all this nonsense. The answers are there waiting.
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    longer of special interest to anyone, least of all the
    tourist. Would we visit a modernised Venice of filled in
    canals to view its modern museum describing
    how it once was?

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  7. #7
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    I passed along that way yesterday. I noticed a board advertising houses to be built, and to be called Willamson Place.

  8. #8
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burkhilly View Post
    I go up and down Edge Lane all the time - and they certainly did knock down everything very quickly. Personally I am very annoyed that all the Victorian houses etc have gone - for a road! However having said that, people who lived in the houses actually on Edge Lane suffered horrendous noise and pollution.

    With regards to St Cyprians - there is an order on it - so that's saved as are the houses to the side of the church.
    Yes, it's easy to forget the horrendous pollution for residents. It's bad enough where I live - main road traffic and especially on match days, but no where near as bad as they must have had it - day in and day out, a huge volume of traffic.

  9. #9
    Member ericfaragh's Avatar
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    I hope that the pub and fire station are preserved, the architecture has great character. The domed building on the corner opposite the church also has a number of pleasing touches to it.

  10. #10


    St.Cyprian's church is coming down.

    We had to contact them to get them to remove the Glass memorial dedicated to those that died in the Durning Road WW2 bombing. They were very good and have moved it to the Anglican Cathedral.
    BE NICE......................OR ELSE

  11. #11
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericfaragh View Post
    I hope that the pub and fire station are preserved, the architecture has great character. The domed building on the corner opposite the church also has a number of pleasing touches to it.
    I agree. It will be a shame if they go.

    I am curious to see how things turn out regarding St Cyprians church. It is a lovely church and I know it is being saved - but do people use it, are they going to use it ? and is it going to surrounded like an island by the new roads ? Is it going to be accessible at the end of it ?
    I didn't know they were saving houses to the side of it.

    It will interesting how things turn out with this.

    Our Yo member Cadfael will tell us if he pops in.
    I just wonder how the church will be incorporated into a busy new traffic system.

  12. #12



    We contacted the church and they said it is coming down. They removed the war memorial after we told them about it. Its a big glass sheet and we did not want to see it end up in a skip. I hope you are right and they are saving the church. The landmarks should be saved.
    BE NICE......................OR ELSE

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Waterways View Post

    The Liverpool Lime St to Wigan line is to be electrified and looks like being brought into Merseyrail. It runs a parallel to the M62 and Edge Lane. The mini-motorway along the Strand and to Leeds St, a part of the old silly Shankland plan, is to link up with this ridiculous unneeded road system.

    The money should have been spent on recommissioning the Wapping tunnel from Edge Hill to Central station and Kings Dock Then people use rapid-transit to get from the east of the city to the main city centre points within minutes. Then no need for ugly polluting roads and needless demolition.

    I would sack people in Merseytravel for all this nonsense. The answers are there waiting.
    What if you dont live on a rail link? The roads into the city are needed. If they can improve them then im all for it as they are terrible to use in peak hour now.
    BE NICE......................OR ELSE

  14. #14
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spike View Post
    What if you dont live on a rail link? The roads into the city are needed. If they can improve them then im all for it as they are terrible to use in peak hour now.

    They are uprating the roads. There is no need to as rapid-transit rail can take the load. The lines run parallel to Edge Lane.

    If the Outer Loop and City Line is electrified and in to Merseyrail,many of those in cars would take the metro. You can take the car to the nearest park & ride station.

    Focus should be on having a full comprehensive metro, not large soul destroying, pollution generating roads. Carving up the city for these unneeded roads has ruined the soul of the city.
    The new Amsterdam at Liverpool?
    Save Liverpool Docks and Waterways - Click

    Deprived of its unique dockland waters Liverpool
    becomes a Venice without canals, just another city, no
    longer of special interest to anyone, least of all the
    tourist. Would we visit a modernised Venice of filled in
    canals to view its modern museum describing
    how it once was?

    Giving Liverpool a full Metro - CLICK
    Rapid-transit rail: Everton, Liverpool & Arena - CLICK

    Save Royal Iris - Sign Petition

  15. #15


    I can get into the city in 20-30 mins now. Why would I take a journey that involves driving, parking the care. hoping onto trains or buses. I doubt it would speed anything up for me.

    Why would I want to use a train and get crammed in, probably standing up all the way.

    Much nicer to drive along a nice new road and see nice new houses. And if they save the landmarks even better.
    BE NICE......................OR ELSE

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