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Thread: New World Square

  1. #1
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Exclamation New World Square

    Images created and copyright by Tekuchi Ltd

    A MULTI-million pound hotel, homes and leisure development could be coming to Liverpool's waterfront. A five-star hotel, 299 luxury flats, restaurants and bars, shops and a fitness spa are proposed in the £130m New World Square plan.

    (*Note you can also see that New Museum too)

    Last edited by Kev; 11-06-2006 at 04:01 PM.
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  2. #2
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    The more Restuarants the better.
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  3. #3
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Developers planning to build on Liverpool's Princess Dock have praised the city's high standards of architecture and design.


    Images created and copyright by Tekuchi Ltd
    Last edited by Kev; 11-06-2006 at 04:02 PM.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    I like the look of the New World Square plan - very smart - but I have to say that I'm not impressed with the Museum building. It looks very uninspiring. Perhaps it will look nicer in reality, but on the plans I don't like the shape of it. I would rather have the much maligned 'Cloud' ... at least that was interesting and unusual. This latest idea is very disappointing I think.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    A planning application has just gone in for New World Square so fingers crossed.

  6. #6
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kev
    Developers planning to build on Liverpool's Princess Dock have praised the city's high standards of architecture and design.


    Images created and copyright by Tekuchi Ltd

    Is Princes dock the other part by Toys R Us?
    Last edited by Kev; 11-06-2006 at 04:02 PM.
    Gididi Gididi Goo.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    Images created and copyright by Tekuchi Ltd

    Images created and copyright by Tekuchi Ltd

    Images created and copyright by Tekuchi Ltd

    Here's some better renders of this development.

    Princes Dock is the one next to the Liver Building.
    Last edited by Kev; 11-06-2006 at 04:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    That is NICE - cheers for those renders, it shows the area off really well.

    I love the mixture of buildings around the World Heritage Site Will the World Her Site be appropriate though? Will it get knocked back because of it?
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    Time will tell I suppose but they put it in for planning the same time as the canal link which is meant to run through the foyer of the hotel,is this just coinsidence??

  10. #10
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul D
    Time will tell I suppose but they put it in for planning the same time as the canal link which is meant to run through the foyer of the hotel,is this just coinsidence??
    Oooooh, that would be nice
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  11. #11
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    A five-star hotel complete with a rooftop public viewing platform is to be built just yards from the Pier Head. Developers Lead Asset Strategies are within days of signing up a big-name hotel operator for the hotel which will form part of the £130m development for Princes Dock.

    A 25 storey tower housing apartments will stand next to the hotel. The site is between the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the riverfront. Talks between the developer and national heritage and conservation bodies have led to an original plan, submitted last summer, being completey withdrawn. LCC planners and Liverpool Vision have also been involved in the discussions.

    A spokesman for architect, John Lyall, said "The design has emerged following a lengthy period of discussion with LCC, LV, English Heritage and CABE". The plans respect and preserve key views of the waterfront and its world famous architecture, describing the site as of " unique significance"

    Lead Assets are proposing a 224 room hotel in a building ranging from 11 to 13 floors, a business centre, spa and a free viewing area reached by a scenic lift. There will be 380 space underground car park.

    The plan also includes a U shaped 12 storey high residential block with 264 flats. A 25 storey tower on the site will have 120 flats on the top 22 floors. At ground level there will be a centrpiece public piazza with the extended Leeds & Liverpool canal cutting through the site.

    A decision by the council's planning committee is expected to be in the autumn.

    Source - Daily Post
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  12. #12
    Aliens Ate My Buick. Bunnyman's Avatar
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    Don't do it to us Kev! How can you tease us with such information and not have any pictures? It's a shame that the original plans are being withdrawn, as they were excellent.
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  13. #13
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunnyman
    Don't do it to us Kev! How can you tease us with such information and not have any pictures? It's a shame that the original plans are being withdrawn, as they were excellent.
    Renders are on the cards I'm sure.....
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  14. #14
    Senior Member Paul D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kev
    Renders are on the cards I'm sure.....
    We want them now,I loved the original designs so these better be good.I hope this one goes ahead though it will really add to our already great skyline.

  15. #15
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Exclamation 5* Pier Head Hotel

    A FIVE-STAR hotel, complete with a rooftop public viewing platform, is to be built on the most sensitive building site in Liverpool, just yards from the Pier Head.

    London-based developers Lead Asset Strategies are within days of signing up a big-name five-star operator for the hotel which will form the centrepiece of a £130m development at Princes Dock.

    A 25-storey tower block, housing luxury apartments above a double-storey glass- fronted ground floor will stand next to the new hotel.

    The site, between the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the riverfront, is regarded as the most sensitive in Liverpool because of its closeness to the Unesco World Heritage Site.

    Talks between Lead and national heritage and conservation bodies have led to an original plan, submitted last summer, being completely redrawn.

    City council planners and the city's regeneration company, Liverpool Vision, have also been involved in the discussions.

    Liverpool Vision has welcomed a scheme for the site but insists the critical factor will be the quality and finish of the proposed buildings.

    A spokesman for Lead's architect, London-based John Lyall, said: "The design has emerged following a lengthy period of discussion with the city council, Vision, English Heritage and CABE (The Commission for Architect and the Built Environment)."

    The plans are said to respect and preserve key views of the waterfront and its world-famous architecture, describing the site as of "unique significance".

    The scheme is expected to create 300 jobs, 180 in the hotel and 120 in the proposed retail and commercial floorspace.

    Lead has now handed its revised plans to the city council for assessment and a decision by the city council's planning committee, expected to be in the autumn.

    Lead, headed by business tycoon Raj Basu, propose a 224-room five-star hotel in a building ranging from 11 to 13 floors. There will be an 800 sq metre business centre, health centre and spa and a free public viewing area reached by a scenic lift. There will be a restaurant and function space on the top floors.

    The scheme also includes a subterranean car park on three levels for 380 vehicles.

    Lead say in their submission: "We are committed to the delivery of a five-star hotel and are in advanced negotiations with suitable operators."

    The scheme also includes a U-shaped 12-storey high residential block containing 264 apartments, with one, two or three bedrooms.

    Towering above those two structures will be a 25-storey building, with 120 apartments on the top 22 floors.

    They will offer what will rate as among the best views of the city and the river, directly overlooking the world-famous waterfront with the Three Graces.

    At ground level there will be a centrepiece public piazza, with the extended Leeds-Liverpool Canal cutting through the site. Although a number of four-star hotels have opened in recent years, and more are in the pipeline, this will be the first large- scale five-star operation in the city.

    An 80-room five-star boutique hotel is being developed at the former Municipal Annexe, in Dale Street.

    The site will overlook the new cruise liner terminal currently under construction.

    Raj Bafu, managing director of Lead Asset Strategy, said: "We're delighted to be moving ahead with this international quality scheme on one of Europe's premier development sites.

    "It will be a fitting place for what will be the city's first five-star hotel."
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