I got an email ( extract below ) for help on reasearch of property on West Derby Rd.
Any pics / Info would be gratefully received, Martin.
"Hi Having read the items regarding the history of Green Lane I wonder if you may be able to assist me in finding out the history of the Building at 593-7 West Derby Road Tuebrook.
We presently run the store and Post Office ther and I have tried to find out the history of the actual building. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any history relating to it at all. We previously ran the
Post Offices in Green Lane and the Lower Breck Road Post office, next to the Newsham Park hotel, since the early eihgties and took over the property at 593-7 West Derby Rd about five years ago.
Prior to the building being renovated it used to be FADS wallpaper shop, with the Elizabethan rooms above, and we are interested in what the history of the building was prior to that. The reason that
I mention Derby Hall, is that when we first moved in and were checking our post code 593-7 was not listed as such but was listed as Derby Hall.
Asking around some of the older customers mention that at one time it used to be a Billiard Hall, a cellar cafe, and initially was built as a theartre but I have not been able to find any mention of these in searches. The theatre idea would seem to be bourne out by the size of the skylight windows that were in the roof, but again if this had been so then I would have thought that this would have been recorded and available to searches on the web.
Any information that you have would be appreciated as I would love to know the complete history of the building, since it was clearly the center piece of that block between Osborne Road and Victoria
Road, Hope that you can help, Thanks John Cook, Tuebrook Post Office. L13 8AE"
Can anyone help ?
Thanks, Martin