Hi all
On another thread in "Liverpool Past and Present" 5th beatle kindly directed us to a great film of Liverpool from the 70's with a mellow soundtrack freaturing music by The Nero "Out of Time" on YouTube at
One nice segment in this video is the Punch and Judy show run by Codman's that was for years at the side of St. George's Hall but is in the video shown in their later location in Williamson Square.
Codman's was a Liverpool institution and also did their Punch and Judy show at Llandudno. For pics and history go to
Professor Codman's Wooden Headed Follies Liverpool and Llandudno
Daily Post article on Codman's Punch and Judy Show
BBC site on Punch & Judy in Liverpool
Codman's first came to Liverpool in the 1860's. Set up originally in Lime Street, on a roundabout called the Quadrant between the Northwestern Hotel and Lime Street Station and St. John's Market, the authorities had the show moved to the side of St. George's Hall in 1957. Later the show was moved to Williamson Square then to the the Museum of Liverpool Life.
Could any of our ace photographers post some pics? Thanks in advance!