Coats of Arms over the Sherlocks Club on the Dock Road.
Stone Liverbird near the roof at Sullivan's Bar, Aigburth Vale.
Sefton Park bridge, near Ibbotsons Lane. I've seen a few of these boxes that don't have the crest.
Found on the old Police Station, Lark Lane.
Wonderful pics in this thread! Good work, Kev, Dave, and Cissie.
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
I got 2
Bollard in the park near Heyworth St
Lamp in the same park
Somewhere I have some photos (not mine unfortunately!) of one of the Liver Birds with a ladder up it, onto it's back! I don't know which crazy fool had been climbing up that (maybe it was for inspection purposes?) but I don't think the ladder's up there anymore...
found this on rodney st pretty much opposite the pyramid tomb.
im fairly certain its a liver bird, if it isnt i would be fascinated to find out why!
Liverbird found on the Langton Castle on the corner of Regent Road and Nelson Street.