I found this by chance at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/actionnetwork/A10134154 which lead me to http://www.grunweb.org.uk/

Am I missing something or is this a proposal to demolish St Luke's Church on Berry Street? They've got no chance surely? I'm going to look into this further. If you visit http://www.grunweb.org.uk/page19.html part of their project outlines includes the following:

By 1st January 2008 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is expected to have concluded that Mankind’s activity is indeed responsible for Climate Change. The recent BBC comments on their draft report bearing this out. Major sea level rises are predicted which could seriously affect parts of Liverpool under 5m [16ft] above the high tide level. In the longer term. “Which would then have to be visited by submarine – yellow of course !

Recently the contract has been signed between ARUP and the Shanghai Industrial Development Corporation, based on Liverpool’s “Twin” city, for the Dongtan “Eco-City” a fully sustainable community close to Shanghai.
Also recently the Welsh Assembly’s new Senate Building has been opened by HM The Queen, this is also a fully sustainable construction.

In view of all the above it is suggested that at least one high profile Sustainability project should be included in the 2008 City of Culture programme, even if construction has to proceed during that year. Mankind’s future Culture is going to have to become increasingly “energy self reliant” from Renewable Energy sources close at hand. While hopefully becoming increasingly at Peace with his neighbours so that Sustainable Communities can flourish undisturbed. And as Liverpool has created wealth from Renewable Energy in the past - that of it’s folk, and the wind at sea - a return to wealth creation “from the elements” seems in keeping.