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  1. #1
    Senior Member Ross08's Avatar
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    I'd be interested to hear from anyone who knows anything about this former restaurant at Crosby Marina.

    When did it open / close?
    What was the building before it became a restaurant?

    It's a real eyesore now, but it'd be nice to see the building restored.

    Any information appreciated, cheers

    Last edited by Ross08; 02-10-2009 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    I remember when it was open as a restaurant.
    What a shame to see it in the state it is now. It could be really nice .

  3. #3
    Ping Pong victorialush's Avatar
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    I remember it when it was called Key West.
    It used to be open on a Sunday evening and play rave music to all the partyers who didn't want the weekend to end.

  4. #4
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    That's right .. 'Key West' .. you jogged my memory Vicki

  5. #5
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    Is this the same building?

    I don't know Crosby very well, so I couldn't say.

    The post card is by E T W Dennis & Sons, Ltd.
    I bought it in the early 1980s, but I'd say the photo could be anything up to 10 years older than that.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Crosby.jpg 
Views:	759 
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ID:	515  

  6. #6
    no longer a lurker johnmed's Avatar
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    it's the same building yes. was a restaurant briefly too.
    i grew up about half a mile away from there.
    it annoys the hell out of me that waterloo where this is, is referred to as crosby!
    it's just that bit too far from south road for people to get to i think. businesses have tried but failed there.

  7. #7


    I remember that resturant I went there with my parents when I was a Kid. It was a really nice place as previously mentioned it was that little bit too far from south road so most people who went drove there. Obviously you are not going to drive to a resturant if you know you are going to Drink and that was the reason I think it closed.

    If memory serves me right the resturant tried to get a path made from the corner of Marine Terrace and Great Georges road by the Royal Hotel but the Royal complained that it would take its business and the path was never built.

    I doubt though to be honest that this would have helped the resturant.

    They should try again when they build this miniture water sports centre that they have planned for the marina.

    Yes I said miniture but thats for another rant.

  8. #8
    Newbie Nokka's Avatar
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    Theres nothing left of it now...Last week sadly they started to pull it down.

    Man i hate to see a building that has stood there for so long get ripped down...Some call it modernization...Me i call it losing your history...Far too often local councils opt to tear down buildings without hearing any other options.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by lindylou View Post
    I remember when it was open as a restaurant.
    What a shame to see it in the state it is now. It could be really nice .
    Yeah remember it too, had quite a few meals there with relatives, even one Christmas day dinner. It was run by some very nice people.


  10. #10


    Looks like they're building offices in place of it. Such a sad shame, it would have been really nice for it to be re-opened as a restaurant.

  11. #11


    They are not building offices. It is going to be an ?8m water sports centre

    Although I don't know how this will work as the marina is a bit on the small side for halve the water sports out there and it is almost always closed for most of the summer due to blue/green algea.

    But hey at least they are trying to do something with the place although I would have to agree that they should have just done the old building up there was plenty of space either side to add facilities for a water sports centre.

    It is getting nicer around there they are trying. Just got to wait and see if it is actully going to be used by any great number of people. Personally I can't see it happening.

    I give it 10 - 15 years and the building will be in the same state as the old one before they pulled it down.

  12. #12

    Default sex on the beach

    Used to go here when we were about 1t3. After spending a good few hours in the vic. There were about 7 of us you know who you are because we were the only ones in there. Used to get ****ed on cocktails on smoke about 60 fags each when this was perfectly acceptable behavior for 13 year olds! Cant emagine my kids acting the same I would put the on the hot spot (MK knows what this means) and quiz them until they freaked. That was 20 years ago folks. Enough ****ed up drunken rambling at 3am, hope i brought back some interesting memories. Bring back smoking in pubs! All memories fade only the ****ed up ones remain.

  13. #13
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    gettin gold and feelin git

    Sorry, i'm just bored.

    Sounds like you had a great old time back when. Welcome.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  14. #14
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
    gettin gold and feelin git

    Sorry, i'm just bored.

    Sounds like you had a great old time back when. Welcome.

  15. #15
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingoldandfeelingit View Post
    Used to go here when we were about 1t3. After spending a good few hours in the vic. There were about 7 of us you know who you are because we were the only ones in there. Used to get ****ed on cocktails on smoke about 60 fags each when this was perfectly acceptable behavior for 13 year olds! Cant emagine my kids acting the same I would put the on the hot spot (MK knows what this means) and quiz them until they freaked. That was 20 years ago folks. Enough ****ed up drunken rambling at 3am, hope i brought back some interesting memories. Bring back smoking in pubs! All memories fade only the ****ed up ones remain.
    Remember those days. Good laughs. Welcome to the Forum.

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