I found this on the bbc website.
A pic of a blue stone/plaque dated 1820. Apparently in Martindales car park in St Anne St.
Any ideas what it is??
I found this on the bbc website.
A pic of a blue stone/plaque dated 1820. Apparently in Martindales car park in St Anne St.
Any ideas what it is??
I've checked the 1908 OS map, and Rose Place was the "Divn. of Parly. Boro. & Ward Bdy." (sic).
Division (?) of Parliamentary Borough and Ward Boundary.
I assume this is the Grade II listed boundary stone? I can just make out a 'W' and a 'G' either side of the dividing line.
I know there are a few different little threads going on about boundary stones, but I think we should collect them all in one!
Post your pics of boundary stones here!
And any info/facts about them....most welcome..
Thanks for starting this thread, MissInformed. As you can see, I have copied Marky's post of the boundary stone on Rose Lane by Mossley Hill Church to here. Marky said, "It's just a bit down the hill from the church (and on the same side). I just hope the letters don't stand for Water and Gas. I don't know its' age, but guess it's old." And I expressed the view that the "W" probably stands for "Wavertree" and the "G" for "Garston."
I will also put the St. Anne's boundary marker here as well. -- The pic of which you helpfully posted earlier.
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
Hi MissInformed
Toxteth.net has a discussion of the boundaries of Toxteth Park including pictures of two boundary stones, for Wavertree and Toxteth Park, respectively, shown with a "W" and a "TP" -- which might confirm what I said above that the Rose Lane marker shows the boundary between Wavertree ("W") and Garston ("W"). Also shown on Toxteth.net are a recent railway marker close to those two stones, as well as another possible Toxteth boundary marker.
On Mike Royden's history site in his discussion of the Oglet saltworks in Dungeon Lane, he mentions that "A ditch running alongside Dungeon Lane, which leads down to the shore from Hale Road, once formed part of the ancient boundary line between the townships of Speke and Hale" and that "A boundary stone bearing the Speke Hall Watt family's initials was situated on this line part way along the incline."
In his discussion of Roby, Mike says, "The oldest standing structure is most likely what appear to be the remnants of either a village cross - or perhaps a boundary stone." A picture of the stone appears on his site.
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
According to City Council the following Boundary Stones exist.
Church Road: Grade II Stone. Divided into 2 parts. Left part "Much Woolton" right part "Little Woolton"
Mill Lane Wavertree: Salisbury Stone Boundary Stone. Made of Sandstone. Inscribed with a crown and the letter S. 1861.
Rose Lane: Township boundary stone, set against stone wall to north of Church of St. Matthew and St. James. Grade II. Made of Sandstone. Vertical line in centre. "W" (for Wavertree) on the left and "G" (for Garston) on the right.
Priory Rd Anfield and Townsend Lane: Boundary Post 1884. Made of Sandstone.Township of Walton On The Hill and Township of West Derby.
Walton Lane& Tetlow Street: Boundary Post 1865. Grade II. Cast metal.
Great, thank you, Mike. I had forgotten that there was a "Much Woolton" and a "Little Woolton" although I have to admit I would not know which is which -- does anyone know? Also about the Salisbury stone in Mill Lane, Wavertree, I believe Lord Salisbury owned land in the Wavertree area so I should say that accounts for that designation.
Ah, I now see that the Victoria County History has a site on Much Woolton and Little Woolton, the latter of which confirms the local link to the Marquis of Salisbury.
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
I'm sure I've posted these pictures somewhere on the forum before.
Anyway, this is the boundary marker on Priory rd. Don't know what happened to the top of it (there used to be a pointy sort of cap ) - it suddenly disappeared after all these years. Might have been knocked off by vandals or something.
Not very clear but one side says Township of Walton on the Hill.
The other side, Township of West derby.
Last edited by lindylou; 12-07-2006 at 08:26 PM.
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
Hi Philip
Thanks, Philip. Here's the one on Smithdown Road as pictured on Toxteth.net
I don't know the one in Aigburth Vale. I know there is a mile marker there which is described in the following PDF file from the Liverpool Corporation on local monuments and markers as a circa 1900 cast iron marker which states "Toxteth Park 3 1/2 miles to Liverpool Exchange"
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
For Aigburth they show a Cast Iron Mile Post, Grade II, Circa 1900 saying Toxteth Park 3½ miles to Liverpool Exchange
and nothing for Smithdown Road.