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Thread: Roscommon St School and St. Peters, Sackville St, Everton area.

  1. #46
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    Smile More pics from St Peters

    Here are more pics on the St Peter's Centenary (1957).
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes procession  2.jpg 
Views:	709 
Size:	1,009.7 KB 
ID:	22019Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pageboy 2.jpg 
Views:	642 
Size:	742.4 KB 
ID:	22020Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pageboy 1957.jpg 
Views:	639 
Size:	765.9 KB 
ID:	22021Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes procession 1.jpg 
Views:	707 
Size:	901.7 KB 
ID:	22022

    Thanks for looking.

    I've just spotted myself and my old mate Eddy Quinn leading the procession in the first pic, Eddy's in long cecks and all my mam got me was a dicky bow!!!!

  2. #47
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
    Leander Road then

    Replying to myself that having looked again, it's probably Landseer Road, Everton.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  3. #48


    Nope! its deffo "Leander",Ged

  4. #49
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    It's definitely Leander Street which is listed as L3 in Kellys. I don't know how I was given the picture, but it was somehow listed under Roscommon St. The records office have mixed them up somehow.
    Cheers Ged and George

  5. #50
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    Thumbs up More pics of St Peters, 1950's children at play, remember the B & W Minstrel show was top BBC show!

    * * * * *Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Wendy house girls and 2 boys.jpg 
Views:	714 
Size:	1.43 MB 
ID:	22030* * * * * *Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Wendy house girls and boy.jpg 
Views:	788 
Size:	1.37 MB 
ID:	22031* * * * * *
    Sugar And spice and all things nice, that's what little girls are made of,

    !"$%!"£$Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Wendy house and Indians.jpg 
Views:	691 
Size:	903.1 KB 
ID:	22029!"£$£"!"Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Zulus at St Peters.jpg 
Views:	662 
Size:	992.2 KB 
ID:	22028!"£$££!"$£

    Frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails, that's wot little boys are made of.

    I just add that it was a different age. As far as I know I'm not in the "Zulu" photograph, I am sure there would be no racism intent and re-enacting Rourke's Drift would be a part of history for many.
    I recall one girl in my class being of Indian/ Pakistani origin, I'm sure she would support me and St Peters.

  6. #51
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    Default Colomendy, hiking in Derbyshire

    Another set of photos from St Peters,these have a holiday theme. I recall going to Colomendy and hiking in Derbyshire. I'll add further info if anyone supplies it.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday6a.jpg 
Views:	722 
Size:	532.2 KB 
ID:	22086Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday sands 1.jpg 
Views:	747 
Size:	657.5 KB 
ID:	22092Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday 5.jpg 
Views:	789 
Size:	443.0 KB 
ID:	22085Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday4.jpg 
Views:	728 
Size:	424.0 KB 
ID:	22087Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday3.jpg 
Views:	783 
Size:	506.0 KB 
ID:	22088Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday2.jpg 
Views:	701 
Size:	514.2 KB 
ID:	22089Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Peters Holiday castle.jpg 
Views:	635 
Size:	433.8 KB 
ID:	22090Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Petes Holiday sands 1.jpg 
Views:	747 
Size:	657.5 KB 
ID:	22092
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4 boys with cymbals.jpg 
Views:	667 
Size:	937.2 KB 
ID:	22091  

  7. #52
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    Default More pics from St Peters 2

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Peters Centenary Procession......jpg 
Views:	673 
Size:	1.97 MB 
ID:	22122Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Girls dancing.jpg 
Views:	768 
Size:	3.95 MB 
ID:	22125Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Indian Squaws St Peters .jpg 
Views:	684 
Size:	832.5 KB 
ID:	22126Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Girls & teachers posed St Peters yard.jpg 
Views:	877 
Size:	3.30 MB 
ID:	22123
    !st pic I may have posted before, next 3 are from the girls part of the's funny, I can't remember any sex discrimination at that time but there may have been lessons like dance that were the girls subject, us lads doing sports. I know that rounders was played by all the school. There are some faces in the final pic that seem to be.... June McGuiness and Janet Holden. Such a long time ago....
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Teachers with Mr B blurry.jpg 
Views:	775 
Size:	919.7 KB 
ID:	22121Click image for larger version. 

Name:	St Peters- Ronnie.jpg 
Views:	702 
Size:	449.8 KB 
ID:	22128
    This 1st pic shows teachers including Mr Bookless, final pic shows the school trooping through the streets again, little boy near back with dickie bow is my brother Ronnie.

  8. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by chasevans View Post
    Some pics I got fro LRO. They were left by Mr Bookless the headmaster of the school in 1972.
    Attachment 21834Attachment 21835Attachment 21836Attachment 21837Attachment 21838Attachment 21839Attachment 21840Attachment 21841Attachment 21842Attachment 21843
    I've used a photo program to automatically enhance the contrast and brightness after discarding the colour info which was the brown colour of age. Apart from that the photos are untouched.
    Regards to Samp and Ged etc. for their encouragement in the past,
    Hi there. I'm not sure if you can help or not but this picture in particular has made me stop in my tracks...

    My dad went to that school around that time, his name was Alan Baker. On the picture it has the name A.Baker. I'm not sure if its the one holding the sign or the person behind him as they both have a look of him but I was wondering if you have any more info on this picture? Or any more pictures like this from around the same time frame? I lost my dad in 2005 and my mum in 2008 and unfortunately I don't really have that many people I can go to and ask for information. I don't have any pictures of my dad as a child, only my mum.. So any help or advice would be greatly appreciated by any of you.

    Thank you


  9. #54


    I've just come across YoLiverpool and saw this thread so registered so I can upload these pictures.
    We lived in 41 Back Roscommon Street, three doors down from St Peter's. I was born in 1954, my brother Alan in 1956 and we left in 1966 to go to Cantril Farm. I'd already moved to the John Hamilton High in 1965 and continued there until 1972.

    These family snapshots give a hint as to how small and dark our street was, in the shadow of Rossy School. Chas, is that the "stable" at the back of your house, next to Rossie playground?

    There's the only class photo I have, taken in Miss Mather's around 1959. Either the photographer didn't have a wide angle lens or the photo has been trimmed as so many children are cut out of it. I'd be made up to see a larger version if one exists.

    Anyway, I hope these photos are of interest.

    Great website; all the hardwork and time spent running it is appreciated.

    John Ambrose

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	07 Miss Mather's class, St Peter's c.1959.jpg 
Views:	780 
Size:	1.06 MB 
ID:	24381Click image for larger version. 

Name:	06 Me in Back Rossy, St Peter's school behind (Miss Mather's classroom).jpg 
Views:	673 
Size:	754.6 KB 
ID:	24380Click image for larger version. 

Name:	05 My brother Alan, sister Lynn, Back Roscommon St towards Langrove St.jpg 
Views:	709 
Size:	657.6 KB 
ID:	24379Click image for larger version. 

Name:	04 Granddad, Bill Haver, outside his house, 35 Back Roscommon St.jpg 
Views:	850 
Size:	827.2 KB 
ID:	24378Click image for larger version. 

Name:	03 Granddad, Bill Haver, my sister Lynn, Back Roscommon St towards Langrove St.jpg 
Views:	794 
Size:	470.0 KB 
ID:	24377Click image for larger version. 

Name:	02 Back Rossy, towards Portland Place. Rossy School on left..jpg 
Views:	710 
Size:	652.2 KB 
ID:	24376Click image for larger version. 

Name:	01 Where Back Roscommon Street used to be. Back of Rossy School.jpg 
Views:	849 
Size:	2.37 MB 
ID:	24375

  10. #55
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    Hi John,
    It's great to hear from you. Pictures are great, absolutely astounded by the stable view. Yes, that was our stables. You've made my day. I've got lots of other pics retrieved from LRO of St Peters. I'll update this thread with them next week.

    ---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

    Hi Maria,
    I'll try to reply properly later. I haven't been on the site for a while.
    Best wishes,

  11. #56
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Great photos John. Yes, your street was dark and narrow wasn't it.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  12. #57


    Hi Chas. I'm glad the photos meant something to you. I scanned all of our family photos a couple of years ago; they're from the days when only one print was made, and the negatives were never kept, so there never was a chance of sharing them. Isn't the internet great? If I get the chance I'll ask my cousins if they have any I can scan. In our very small street both my dad's and mother's parents lived, as well as two of my paternal aunties (surnames Haver, Coleman, Routledge ) so there is a good chance you were mates with at least some of them. The picture of St Peter's cricket and football teams in 1956 both have my cousin Stan Coleman in them, and possibly his brother Ray. If I get any more pictures I'll post them. By the way, your Roscommon Street neighbour Joey Charnock's family is related to my mother. A very small world then.


    Hi Ged. Yes, dark, and windy too. Somewhere in the LRO is a document from the 1930s about the rebuilding of Rossy School causing a loss of light to the top of our street.

    Forgive me if I'm duplicating anything that is elsewhere on the site (I'm new here) but some filming was done in St Peter's in 1964 for their programme "The Singing City" which is available on the BBC website in their archive section. Here's a link to the programme. Only a very short piece of the filming was used, but there are clips of Mr Newton, and one of girls skipping in the playground.

    Best wishes to all, and thanks again for the site.


  13. #58
    Senior Member chasevans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Ambrose View Post
    Hi Chas. I'm glad the photos meant something to you. I scanned all of our family photos a couple of years ago; they're from the days when only one print was made, and the negatives were never kept, so there never was a chance of sharing them. Isn't the internet great? If I get the chance I'll ask my cousins if they have any I can scan. In our very small street both my dad's and mother's parents lived, as well as two of my paternal aunties (surnames Haver, Coleman, Routledge ) so there is a good chance you were mates with at least some of them. The picture of St Peter's cricket and football teams in 1956 both have my cousin Stan Coleman in them, and possibly his brother Ray. If I get any more pictures I'll post them. By the way, your Roscommon Street neighbour Joey Charnock's family is related to my mother. A very small world then.


    Hi Ged. Yes, dark, and windy too. Somewhere in the LRO is a document from the 1930s about the rebuilding of Rossy School causing a loss of light to the top of our street.

    Forgive me if I'm duplicating anything that is elsewhere on the site (I'm new here) but some filming was done in St Peter's in 1964 for their programme "The Singing City" which is available on the BBC website in their archive section. Here's a link to the programme. Only a very short piece of the filming was used, but there are clips of Mr Newton, and one of girls skipping in the playground.

    Best wishes to all, and thanks again for the site.

    Hi John,
    I was mate's with both Jimmy and Kenny Routledge. I recall many summer evenings spent on the Routledge's doorstep while the sun wet down. Kenny playing skiffle songs on his acoustic guitar ("Tom Dooley" , "Freight Train", echoing through the street). I also remember their elder sister, Ann, was she a typist?.
    The cousin's who lived farther down towards Portland Place were a bit older than Jimmy or Kenny, still they'd have a game of football or cricket with us in that same back street. I think we'd follow the normal games seasons, even managing to fit tennis into the year's agenda. We never tried skiing or sledging when snow fell, snow was too precious to a young kid's mind.
    Probably gilding the lily to some, but heck, I am 63 this year.
    Best wishes, John, my next post will include memories of Joey Charnock, looking forward to your post.

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