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Thread: Images of Wirral

  1. #31
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar

    Default Birkenhead.

    Mersey Tunnel Vent.
    October 1986.

  2. #32
    Guest scouserdave's Avatar


    Great thread and love the pics, thanks

    St Peter and Paul's (named after two of my kids ), New Brighton

    Victoria Road, New Brighton

  3. #33
    Junior Member petecarr's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Yey for Wirral. I live here

  4. #34
    Guest scouserdave's Avatar


    That last pic of yours with the kids is fantastic

  5. #35
    Junior Member petecarr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Thanks. My Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 lens creates lovely star like effects with lightsources. Its great

  6. #36
    Roving Arriva Bus User! wallasey's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Time to bring this thread back up there; I had trouble finding it again!

    Seacombe Promenade, Wallasey These houses sit on a elevated position overlooking the Mersey and the Docks/ They are also likely to have some great views over the city and the Lancashire Plains to Winter Hill above Bolton too!

    Seacombe Promenade, Wallasey A slightly grainy view (apologies) showing the developing skyline from the Seacombe Prom near to Wallasey Town Hall

    Seacombe Promenade, Wallasey The streetsign proclaiming where we are.

    Seacombe Promenade, Wallasey Wallasey Town Hall taken from the prom. That bloke kept running up and down those steps; must have been trying to loose those turkey pounds still. I wouldn't like to do it!

    Guinea Gap, Wallasey A final look over to Liverpool from the Town Hall more or less, this is possibly one of the finer views across to the city you will find as you can see the massive developments like the Beetham West Tower in more detail than you would if you went down to Woodside.
    Liverpool Suburbia@Flickr

    UPDATED 14JUN09 20 images added to Dovecot
    Last updated 26ARP09 (Aigburth)
    Apologies for the durge in updates!

  7. #37
    Senior Member Jericho's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    The Wallasey shots are a bit sad. The area around the Town Hall is very run down and depressing. You'd think that with such great views of the city across the water this area should be on the up.

  8. #38
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Baltimore, Maryland, USA


    Great photographs, Wallasey! Wonderful to see.

    I trust it is meant to be "Guinea Gap, Wallasey" as in the name of the old baths (are they still there?) not "Guinia Gap, Wallasey" as you spelled it -- I changed to how I thought it should be but will revert it back if I was wrong.

    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
    Editor, Loch Raven Review
    Chris on Flickr and on MySpace

  9. #39
    Roving Arriva Bus User! wallasey's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
    Great photographs, Wallasey! Wonderful to see.

    I trust it is meant to be "Guinea Gap, Wallasey" as in the name of the old baths (are they still there?) not "Guinia Gap, Wallasey" as you spelled it -- I changed to how I thought it should be but will revert it back if I was wrong.

    Thanks for that; what a dumb moment was that! I actually tried guessing the name as I didn't have Livelocal handy (it's what I use when getting the road names back up).

    The baths are still there yes; Never been but they are there. As is the Primary school opposite.

    This part of Wallasey is a little run down but to be honest, it is a little cut off from the rest of the town. Seacombe Ferry isn't the centre of the transport network anymore; that was all moved to Liscard. infact only 4 buses serve Secombe ferry now and 2 of them come up Brighton Street.

    Sorry that posting was little short, will get some more made up for you! I am currently writing an update for Flickr (Tuebrook will soon get 45 more images!)
    Liverpool Suburbia@Flickr

    UPDATED 14JUN09 20 images added to Dovecot
    Last updated 26ARP09 (Aigburth)
    Apologies for the durge in updates!

  10. #40
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    I like the way water comes out on pics.
    Last edited by Max; 06-26-2008 at 11:26 PM.
    Gididi Gididi Goo.

  11. #41
    Senior Member Jericho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wallasey View Post
    Thanks for that; what a dumb moment was that! I actually tried guessing the name as I didn't have Livelocal handy (it's what I use when getting the road names back up).

    The baths are still there yes; Never been but they are there. As is the Primary school opposite.

    This part of Wallasey is a little run down but to be honest, it is a little cut off from the rest of the town. Seacombe Ferry isn't the centre of the transport network anymore; that was all moved to Liscard. infact only 4 buses serve Secombe ferry now and 2 of them come up Brighton Street.

    Sorry that posting was little short, will get some more made up for you! I am currently writing an update for Flickr (Tuebrook will soon get 45 more images!)
    A little run down? Brighton Street is one of the least attractive streets on either side of the river!

    Looking forward to seeing those pics of Tuebrook though.

  12. #42
    Guest FKoE's Avatar


    I have'nt been down the promenades for..erm 20 years.. but does anyone remember the little cannon that used to be connected to the iron railings and seawall ?

    Sheesh I'm gettin ald

  13. #43
    Senior Member Jericho's Avatar
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    New Brighton can still be full(ish) of life in the summer or on a hot weekend any other time of the year in the age of global warming. Most of the activity occurs along Marine Promenade. Even the beach sees a bit of action when the weather's good. I'm hoping New Brighton's resting and not terminally ill, or worse still, dead. It looks great from Crosby Beach. Someone ought to launch a small ferry service between Waterloo/Crosby and New Brighton.

  14. #44
    Roving Arriva Bus User! wallasey's Avatar
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    I can second the fact that New Brighton can get pretty busy during the summer or infact on any sunny day!

    The thing is, apart from the "Bright Spot" and the Bowling Alley (now rebuilt with a laser-quest), there really isn't anything much to do. Even the pubs are starting to close!

    New Brighton is only in the state that it is now due to the council and local's protesting over any new plans that would surely be good for what is now a glorified suburb of Wallasey.
    Liverpool Suburbia@Flickr

    UPDATED 14JUN09 20 images added to Dovecot
    Last updated 26ARP09 (Aigburth)
    Apologies for the durge in updates!

  15. #45
    Guest scouserdave's Avatar


    Birkenhead. Can't remember which dock, but it's close to the submarine.

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