Letters Patent of King John to Liverpool 1207
The attached images contain the actual letter patent and various seals.
John, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, Count of Anjou, to all his faithful people who have desired to have Burgages in the township of Liverpool, greeting. Know ye that we have granted to all our faithful people who have taken Burgages in Liverpool that they may have all the liberties and free customs in the township of Liverpool which any Free Borough on the sea has in our land. And therefore we command you that securely and in our peace you come there to receive and inhabit our Burgages. And in witness hereof we transmit to you these our Letters Patent. Witness Simon dePateshill at Winchester on the twenty-eighth day of August in the ninth year of our reign.
All Image and information acknowledgments: Ian Wileman and Liverpool's Records Office
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