Quote Originally Posted by captain kong View Post
On April 11, 1859 the William Tapscott set sail for New York in the United States of America. The cost of the voyage from England to America cost five British pounds.
Reading about these people they must have been incredibly brave. By the time they arrived in Utah, they had been robbed by the crimps and thieves in Liverpool while awaiting a ship, Death from sickness and disease and ship wreck on the ships, attacked and robbed by the Indians, death on the prairies and so on.

All this is from the site........The Journey to ZION.
Excellent reading.

Mormon emmigrant ship William Tapscott
....of the trans-Atlantic trip in 1859.

Does anyone know how this would compare to the wages of a Scottish farm labourer or an equivalent job?

I fully agree with the amazing bravery part - it is quite amazing...