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Fine work here, Dazza.
Thanks Chris, I've been interested in the site, ever since reading The Herculaneum Pottery, a 'Liverpool University Press' book by Peter Hyland.
On the British/ American War of 1812, and of British patriotism [or 'loyalty' as I should say, here in the UK]. The British pottery industry seemed to be serving two masters! One for the home market, and one for export market, notably America. I did once see a picture of a Chamber Pot with George III's face looking up from it, complete with an English maker's stamp - no doubt made for a very appreciative American market? The potters had an eye, for a brown nose, it seemed [excuse the pun]?
Image 1 - some examples of c/pots: there's the 'Benjamin Franklin Butler' pot of civil war fame [not Herculaneum]; and even...
Image 2 - a 'W.E. Gladstone' pot [not Herculaneum].
Image 3 - a creamware Jug [Herculaneum] showing the 'Apotheosis of Washington' c.1805.
Image 4 - a Sailors jug [Herculaneum] which contained the sailor's prayer:
From Rocks & Sands
And every ill
May God preserve,
The Sailor still
Apparently there is still a lot of this Herculaneum pottery in circulation [in the US & UK], and you can regularly find it on eBay. In production from 1796-1840.