British Waterways Are At It Again - Land By Stealth
Application Number 06F/2292 Backfill of West Waterloo
Dock was rejected on 10th October 2006, after widespead protest. British Waterways have now subitted application number 06F/3125 to move the proposed canal
to one side of the temporary partially in-filled Trafalgar Dock.
This is seen as Brtish Waterways, backed by Peel Holdings, stacking up dominoes to
keep Trafalgar Dock permanently in-filled to gain lucrative land and eventually have West Waterloo Dock filled too.
British Waterways have made the
planning application, however it is clear that MDHC/Peel Holdings are pulling the strings of this application. It disguises the canal links true purpose,
which is a land by stealth strategy.
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