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Thread: Piano Shops, Manufacturers of Liverpool

  1. #16
    Senior Member dazza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GNASHER View Post
    Rushworths had/have a workshop on St Ann St opp the cop shop.....I was sent to a piano workshop in Brunswick Rd (about where the top end of Staples carpark is now) for a job as an apprentice piano repair person. After seeing the place and talking to the boss I told him I wasn't intrested and buggered off pretty quick,what a dump.
    Very interesting GNASHER, thanks for that. I've found out a few details on Rushworths below. Apparently their main business was making organs, then gradually began supplying pianos [from other makers] and adding their name to them. They also started making their own piano's as well.

    Cheers, Daz

    Some of Liverpool's piano manufactures and retailers.

    Crane and Sons, 217 Scotland Rd, Liverpool [& London] piano manufacturers.

    J.B. Kramer & Co, [Liverpool and London].

    NEMS ltd [North End Music Stores] musical instrument retailers began life at 62/72 Walton Road as part of Isaac Epstein & Sons furniture dealership, later a dedicated music store opened at Great Charlotte Street under the control of Brian Epstein, and then a second store opened at 12?14 Whitechapel shortly afterwards.

    Rushworth's organ-building manufacturers founded in 1828 [in Yorkshire], by William Rushworth. The first premises was at 13 Islington, Liverpool [late 1800's], then moved to Great George Street in the early 20th century, and then finally to St Anne Street in 1972.

    Rushworths also had a retail wing, which been in partnership with Van Gruisen until 1894.

    Rushworth and Dreaper [merged abt. 1905] - Whitechapel, Liverpool

    James Smith & Son, 74 & 76 Lord Street, Liverpool from at least the 1880s to the 1930s

    Van Gruisen & Son were at 27 Bold Street, Liverpool from at least 1886 to 1936 [piano agents...]

    E.G. Withers & Sons 279 Kensington, Liverpool [piano agents...]

  2. #17
    Newbie Ken Read's Avatar
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    Some information on W.H & G.H Dreaper which may be of interest. They were piano makers at 96 Bold Street from 1828-1902 when taken over by Rushworths. Dreapers started as Wm. P. Dreaper & Sons and obviously changed names at the death of the father (date unknown)

    W.H & G.H Dreaper are famous for a piano styled by W & G Audsley, Architects of Liverpool which was exhibited in Paris Universal International Exhibition in 1878.

    This information comes from "European Musical Instruments in the Liverpool Museum" 1994 (purchased 2003) where the piano is/ or was exhibited (as I have recently seen what appears to be the same piano for sale on the internet). Perhaps someone local can tell me if the musical instruments are still in the Liverpool Museum.

    There is (or was) also a violin in the museum by Rushworth and Dreaper dated 1920

    My interest in this firm is because of a violin which I own and has a label inside "W.H & G.H Dreaper, No 1092, Liverpool". I would be interested in any information on this subject.

  3. #18
    Guest Quentin_Sharples's Avatar


    Has anybody mentioned that Rushworth & Dreaper were in Islington for many years?
    William Brown Street end.
    They also had a museum of ancient musical instruments in the premises.
    Hopefully, they were saved.

    Crane's built their new premises in Hanover Street.
    Designed by W Aubrey Thomas, and opened in 1915.
    Crane Hall was built for the demonstration of pianos, and became the Neptune Theatre.

  4. #19
    Senior Member dazza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quentin_Sharples View Post
    Has anybody mentioned that Rushworth & Dreaper were in Islington for many years?
    Ah yes, that was me....covered in Post#16. Thanks for the extra information.

    Quote Originally Posted by dazza View Post
    Rushworth's organ-building manufacturers founded in 1828 [in Yorkshire], by William Rushworth. The first premises was at 13 Islington, Liverpool [late 1800's], then moved to Great George Street in the early 20th century, and then finally to St Anne Street in 1972

  5. #20
    Senior Member Samp's Avatar
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    Rushworths was situated at the top of William Brown Street, next to the old court building, there used to be a narrow lane between the two buildings, which lead you to Gerard Gardens (pre flyover days). The organ works was in St Anne Street, Ithink details have been posted about this building before!

  6. #21
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    The St. Ann street works was originally Keisers and the clock tower was known locally as Keisers clock tower.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  7. #22
    Guest George's Avatar


    Wasn't there a Henesseys somewhere?

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by GNASHER View Post
    Rushworths had/have a workshop on St Ann St opp the cop shop.
    When I was a youth their ticket office was the best in Liverpool,the lady that ran could get you tickets for any show/concert anywhere.This was long before the interweb and those robbin' bast$rds ticketline.
    I was sent to a piano workshop in Brunswick Rd (about where the top end of Staples carpark is now) for a job as an apprentice piano repair person.After seeing the place and talking to the boss I told him I wasn't intrested and buggered off pretty quick,what a dump.
    Old thread Gnash, I do appreciate. Do you recall the Nash brothers Piano stool manufacturers of Belgrave Street? Belgrave Street was situated directly opposite were the piano repaires were situated on Brunswick Road albeit accessed via Meaburn Street a little lower.

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