Very good Chris,
Turkeys are believed to have first been brought to Britain in 1526 by Yorkshireman William Strickland - he acquired six birds from American Indian traders on his travels and sold them for tuppence each in Bristol. Although, I can't confirm the first 'Turkey' sighting in Liverpool - I think it's safe to assume it was non of the original six, but hey - you never know? Turkeys [I think] originally came from Mexico
A bird of the Americas, and more useful than an Eagle, as thousands of dinner tables will confirm around the third week in November.
I've just recently visited Franklin's House, in 36 Craven Street, London - which was a kind of first US embassy in London, although it would have been known as the American Colonies during his tenure there 1757-1775 [1776 - presumably he was off to put his 'John Hancock' on the DOI?]