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Thread: Newsham Park Community Community Development Association

  1. #1
    Newbie Steven Corcoran's Avatar
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    Exclamation Newsham Park Community Development Association

    have been looking into the Historical Heritage site of the Royal Seaman?s Orphanage on Newsham Park, which has been derelict for over 20 years.

    The conservation area of Newsham Park falls within a number of boroughs which are of a higher than average multicultural populace; coupled with the fact the surrounding areas are deprived, the association believes there is need of a community center for the multicultural society.

    It would be a great loss for the community as a whole, if it were to be developed into yet another residential property; as is the plan from the owners of the building. Although the property has been earmarked for residential usage, plans have not yet been passed or submitted.

    A project of this scale can be funded from a variety of different ways, but without community involvement it will be doomed to failure, your help would be greatly appreciated in any way, possibly by putting me in contact with the relevant people to help develop this project.

    With the Seaman?s Orphanage which had strong links with the maritime industry, coupled with the cities development; and the fact that Liverpool is a World Heritage Site, action needs to be taken so that this magnificent building can be used by the people of Liverpool.

    I've been talking to local residents and business owners about the setting up of a community hub, and the feedback I have had is extremely positive.
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    Last edited by Steven Corcoran; 11-23-2009 at 02:04 AM. Reason: repeated words in title

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Senior Member Samp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Corcoran View Post
    have been looking into the Historical Heritage site of the Royal Seaman?s Orphanage on Newsham Park, which has been derelict for over 20 years.

    The conservation area of Newsham Park falls within a number of boroughs which are of a higher than average multicultural populace; coupled with the fact the surrounding areas are deprived, the association believes there is need of a community center for the multicultural society.

    It would be a great loss for the community as a whole, if it were to be developed into yet another residential property; as is the plan from the owners of the building. Although the property has been earmarked for residential usage, plans have not yet been passed or submitted.

    A project of this scale can be funded from a variety of different ways, but without community involvement it will be doomed to failure, your help would be greatly appreciated in any way, possibly by putting me in contact with the relevant people to help develop this project.

    With the Seaman?s Orphanage which had strong links with the maritime industry, coupled with the cities development; and the fact that Liverpool is a World Heritage Site, action needs to be taken so that this magnificent building can be used by the people of Liverpool.

    I've been talking to local residents and business owners about the setting up of a community center there, and the feedback I have had is extremely positive.

    Regarding your ideas on the Seaman?s Orphanage, you are quite right that something should be done with this building; I think the building is too large for the purposes you are proposing. I cannot understand why the Universities have not considered it, what a campus it would make, the park being a central point for the students during the day, to say nothing of the benefit to the area in general.

    Comments anyone?

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