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Thread: Liverpool's Cultural Quarter

  1. #1
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Default Hope Street Festival *PICS ADDED*

    PREPARATIONS are under way for one of the biggest street parties the city has seen since the millennium to celebrate the renaissance of Liverpool's historic Hope Street.

    The city's cultural quarter, which sits between the Anglican and Metropolitan Cathedrals, has undergone a transformation to make it a hub for the arts and business communities as well as making it a must-see destination for visitors.

    The project was the brainchild of campaigning charity HOPES, which has pushed relentlessly for money to plough into the improvements, which include public art and pedestrianisation.

    Now, after a decade of campaigning and fundraising, its volunteers are busy organising a carnival-style celebration to mark the end of the work in June.

    Hilary Burrage, chairwoman of HOPES, said: "We were very keen to make Hope Street a place that people wanted to be.

    "It's not just about imposing officialdom, it's a really vibrant place with so much going on that everyone should be able to share in it and feel comfortable relaxing there.

    "Here, if ever there was one, is an example of how people coming from very different places can find common ground, a particularly apt metaphor in this instance, through the arts and community activity."

    HOPES started its campaign to give the area a facelift in 1996. It managed to win support from Liverpool council and Liverpool Vision, who have also backed the party plans.

    Officials then commissioned a scheme they hoped would create a high quality public realm to make the area more attractive to visitors, existing businesses and potential investors.

    It has seen new paving, street furniture, lighting and improved pedestrian crossings installed alongside public art works. And recently the renowned Suitcases installation went back on display. It had been removed while the renovation was under way. Part of the street will be pedestrianised and work is expected to finish in the next few weeks, well before the party on Sunday, June 11. (Same time as Downton Week kicks off!)

    The main attraction at the celebrations will be a performance by the HOPES Festival Orchestra of a specially commissioned piece by Richard Gordon-Smith from 1996 to mark the beginning of the charity's campaign for the renewal of the area.

    Hotfoot on Hope Street is a musical interpretation of a walk along Hope Street from one cathedral to the other.

    Other events proposed include a street market, a fancy dress

    competition, performances by school children, children's fun activities and entertainment in St James's Gardens.

    But HOPES is keen to get as many different groups of people involved in the programming for the day as possible.

    It wants any amateur and student musicians who would like to join the orchestra, volunteers who can help organise the day, or any budding performers to get in touch.

    Mrs Burrage added: "We are very democratic here, we want everyone to have a chance to be involved and have their say in what will happen during the party.

    "We may well section up the street and give performers time slots so as many acts as possible have a chance to appear.

    "I'm sure it will be a wonderful day. We have achieved what we set out to do, not many can say that."

    To perform with the orchestra contact Richard Gordon-Smith or Tony Burrage by emailing

    Any volunteers should call 0151 281 0010.
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  2. #2
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    Its good for the visitors.

    I lived in Faulkner street for 8 years 1984/92. and i prefered the area then.

    The clubs of the Casablanca and Chauffers where a real laugh and the students gave it a good atmosphere.

    But change is change and i have my memories( good ones )

  3. #3
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    Hope Street party switch
    May 31 2006
    Liverpool Echo

    CELEBRATIONS to mark the completion of a £2.9m improvement scheme for Hope Street have been moved to September.

    The end of work was due to have been marked in June but organisers say it has been put off until September 17 because of high interest.

    The event will now be expanded to include the launch of Liverpool's food and drink festival and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Open Day, as well as the activities organised by HOPES, The Hope Street Association.

    Paddy Byrne, owner of the Everyman Bistro and chairman of the Liverpool Restaurant Group, said: "Although our food and drink festival will run for 10 days across the city, it feels appropriate to launch it on Hope Street as many of our members are based there and we're able to host a Farmers Market too."

    The scheme, funded by the Northwest Regional Development Agency, Liverpool city council, and English Partnerships, has seen improved paving and kerbs, new traffic signals with pedestrian crossings, and new lighting.

    The new plateau at the Mount Street triangle is nearly complete with the famous Suitcases statue now returned. Granite terracing with bronze benches is being installed.

    Development of the scheme has been coordinated by Liverpool Vision working with Liverpool council and HOPES.

    Hilary Burrage, from HOPES, said: "We're overwhelmed by the interest."

    Source: icLiverpool
    Last edited by Kev; 09-17-2006 at 05:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Hilary Burrage's Avatar
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    Default Hope Street Festival

    Glad to see people are so interested in the Hope Street Festival! Thanks for that.

    We've moved the date to Sunday 17 September this year, so the 'original' Hope Street Festival - always around Midsummer - can be combined with a number of other events such as the Food and Drink week and the Phil Open Day, in Heritage Week.

    If anyone wants to read about the things which have happened with HOPES: The Hope Street Association and the Hope Street Festival, you can find quite a lot of info in the Liverpool / Hope Street section of my website,

    This will be the tenth year of the Hope Street Festival, since HOPES 'resurrected' it from a couple of annual events in the 1970s. We even got selected by the Millennium Commission in the year 2000 as their national featured festival!

    If you have ideas for activities, performance or whatever which you'd like to offer on 17 September, perhaps you could let us know via, and we'll try to get back to you as soon as we can.

    Thanks very much,
    Last edited by Kev; 09-17-2006 at 05:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Hilary Burrage's Avatar
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    Default Hope Street Celebrations 17 September 2007

    Hi again

    Just to let you know that the re-scheduled celebration of the new 'public realm' works etc is now definitely Sunday 17 September. If anyone wants to offer something (an act, idea, whatever) and has not yet done so, could you please let Gavin Sharp at the Phil (210 2895) know by the end of this week, latest?

    I first came to Hope Street in 1971, so I do agree it's changed.... until recently, getting less presentable and perhaps rather impersonal. We're trying to give it back that slightly Bohemian feel which many people find attractive, but making it safer and cleaner at the same time. (Not to mention the economic regeneration which can go with that, through better local businesses, more jobs, more graduate retention etc!)

    I remember Adrian Henri, Margaret Simey, Graham Frood, many famous musicians and actors, all sorts of fascinating people - and these types of folk still come, so we really do have to make the most of what we've got. It's a genuinely unique place (something I explore in the 'Hope Street' thread on my website if anyone's interested to join that discussion:

    It's a fine line to balance for the public realm, between looking a little rustic / olde worlde - nothing wrong with that in the appropriate place - and making the best of the modern assets we have in the area. We've treid very hard to keep the best of what was there already, and enhance it with suitable new materials, ideas etc. This really is a chance to make something of a special part of Liverpool, to the benefit of everyone in the city.

    There have been a couple of pieces in the Post & Echo in the past week or so, which also try to explain what all this is about, if anyone wants to read them.

    Look forward to seeing everyone on 17 September. Put it in your diaries now....!!

    Best wishes as ever,

  6. #6
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Thanks Hilary
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  7. #7
    Junior Member petecarr's Avatar
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    Its definitely Sep 17th, 2007 not 2006? Need a photographer?

  8. #8

    Default Hope Street Festival - website now live

    worth a look ...

  9. #9

    Default Hope Street Festival

    Hope Street Festival Sunday 17th September 2006 11am - 5pm

  10. #10


    Festival programme now available for download at

  11. #11


    there's a programme for Hope Street Festival now dowloadable from
    Last edited by Kev; 09-17-2006 at 05:14 PM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Kurac View Post
    there's a programme for Hope Street Festival now dowloadable from
    Bit more bumph on there too now. Good job - the gig's later today!

  13. #13
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Thanks Bob - I'll try and make it some time today
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