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Thread: Farewell Black Prince

  1. #1

    Default Farewell Black Prince

    The BLACK PRINCE the well known and locally well supported Fred. Olsen Lines cuise ship made her final departure from the Mersey on Saturday September 19.

    Instead of heading out to sea directly from Langton Cruise Terminal on this final departure to Southampton she sailed past the Pier Head.

    I have posted a large selection of photographs taken of BLACK PRINCE's final departure yesterday at:

    At Southampton she will undertake two final cruises before she is transferred to new Venezualan owners.

    She was withdrawn due to the expense of upgrading her to meet SOLAS 2010requirements. Her Venezuelan buyers propose to use her on local sailings to which compliance of the SOLAS 2010 reuirements are not required.

    She will be replaced on Fred. Olsen's Liverpool station by BOUDICCA which will operate cruises from Liverpool Langton in spring and autumn 2010.


  2. #2
    Senior Member naked lilac's Avatar
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    The Black Prince is a lovely looking cruise liner.. Another one sold to a distant Port? Quite sad the authorities don't upgrade..

    At least , after her two last voyages, she will still cruise the waters of Venezulea privately for probably some rich folks pleasure,...or just to help tourism there. Still being useful.. not too bad....but, sad to see her leave England...

    Nice pics... ta

  3. #3
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    She is entering the river on half tide. Despite some people saying the Mersey is not deep, some of the largest ships in the world sail on lowish tides.

    Once the Cruise Liner embarkation facilities are in place largish cruise ships will start and end cruises at the port. Southampton are bitter about it and are objection to expansion at Liverpool. As the Liverpool ships are primarily to cater for people who live away from the English south coast I doubt they will succeed in preventing Liverpool's terminal being built - which makes them look like bitter fools.

    The government is encouraging Liverpool's tourism, so stopping this terminal will be very difficult. It may delay it though, which the city does not need.
    Last edited by Waterways; 09-21-2009 at 11:54 AM.
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