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Thread: Old Liverpool Pubs: Bar Royal Etc

  1. #31


    Hi, could you please tell me where the tunnel pub in wavertree used to be?

  2. #32
    Mark JMLE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Not sure but at a guess I'd say Tunnel Road. Also there is/used to be a bar in Williamson's tunnels called The Tunnels Bar.

  3. #33


    am i right in thinking that what i called caseys bar was the bar royal,remember sadie...true every one said no need for a bouncer!!...some one metioned jimmy ,so camp,but so funny,..trying to rememberwhat pubs bob byrnes owned dad used to drink in a lot of them. did he have the why not & the
    harrington bar he aso had the crooked billet,know he had maxwell's plum worked there for a little while, the manager was also called bob
    byrnes.................some asked about... the tunnel hotel ...that was it's full name ,was on tunnel rd on the opposite side to the spoforth arms just by the old church hall that was use as a youth centre,a little further on past edge hill station ,my mate in school charlie panther. dad run the pub for a while in the 70's can't remember exactly when they knocked it down..will try and find more info

  4. #34


    During the late seventies / early eighties i worked at the Bar Royal .. Paco's ..The Harrington Bar and The Bears Paw .. if i can be of any help with any questions regarding these bars..just let me know.

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