Hi There!
I've been browsing this forum for about a week, loving the old photos.
I love trains, although don't know much.
I wonder if someone can help me with a query.
When I was a little lad in the very late 60's and early 70's, I remember being taken by my grandad to watch trains somewher between Aintree and Fazackerly.
My memories are that everything was very grey and dirty, almost all the momories are in black and white, save for the dirty blue and yellow of the diesel locos at the front of the trains, and the dark maroon of the brake vans at the rear.
We used to go on a bridge over quite a massive number of tracks, where there seemed to be trains waiting to be sent elsewhere, coal trucks, tanbkers etc. I remember it was very busy.
Here's my question, do any of you have any ideas where abouts it might have been, and do you have any maps or photos of the area.