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Thread: support needed

  1. #1

    Default support needed

    I am writing regarding the recent plans made for a building in Christian Street Liverpool L5. The building in question is one of the oldest remaining remnants of the areas ?Little Italy? and once the heart of the community as the local pub. The Pontack has been ear marked for development as student accommodation in an area that is mostly made up of pensioner?s bungalows. As you can imagine pensioners and students have extremely different lifestyles that would only clash.
    The area went through total demolition 22 years ago when Gerard Gardens tenements were pulled down against the then residents approval. Some of them original residents headed by Chris Doran are now fighting against the future of the Pontack.
    The building has so much more potential, it was once thought it would have made a fantastic meeting place to research family history and displaying a photographic social history of the area. The neighbourhood is steeped in history, as you already know the Italians came to Christian Street, Gerard Street and Hunter Street and developed it into a thriving community alongside the earlier Irish inhabitants. Strong bonds were formed, local businesses prospered creating a mix of people with one thing in common?a love and sense of pride for their surroundings and fellow neighbours. The people all come from similar backgrounds and have the utmost respect for each other, putting someone as alien as students in the area would have a dire effect on the ambiance and well being of the people and their community.
    If there is anything you can do or suggest to help I would Really appreciate it.
    This is not an anti-student protest, also please read this post carefully as it is not intended to cause offence .

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    I can understand why a developer would think that it would be an appropriate property for student accomodation due to its close proximity to LJMU's Byrom Street campus - especially as when the new science block opens in January 2010 more students will inevitably access the campus via Christian Street. However, I agree with you in that I don't think conversion of this property to a student house would be a suitable use given the nature of the neighbourhood. Do you know how far advanced these proposals are? I'm sure the 'For Sale' was still up on the building when I passed it this evening.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    PS Here's a pic of the new science block from Christian St.

  4. #4
    Senior Member AngelCake's Avatar
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    Student Accommodation is needed in a city like Liverpool but it seems to be everywhere lately. I saw a picture of a new building which was practically in the garden of residents. Hmm.

  5. #5
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Debz, Can't see what the problem is. An areas history doesn't need to be in the same area. Is there not other places for Italian memorabilia. Pensioners and students can get on. You have my support, but reluctantly. Just gotta get along somehow.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    Found this planning application (click for details):

    09F/1044 56 Christian Street, Liverpool, L3 3GY To use premises as house in multiple occupation REGISTERED 22-05-2009

  8. #8
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scouse smurf View Post
    What if they were to only allowed Italian Students to stay there ?
    Reckon so.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    Default as The Pontack

    Source -

    I think the building was last occupied by a Detective Agency.

  10. #10


    The residents both past and present have always had to deal with their area being at the hands of the developers...Gerard Gardens were the long awaited homes that the people of Little Italy deserved but it wasn't long before they were hemmed in on all sides by the widening of roads and the Churchill flyovers during the 60's.
    The second Mersey tunnel in the 70?s led to the total destruction of Scotland Rd and Scotland Place along with the local shops, churches pub's and school's...residents were re-homed in the new towns such as Cantrill Farm etc which for many brought isolation.
    If that wasn't bad enough the 80's brought more upheaval for the remaining residents of the Scotland Rd area when the decision for yet more widening of the roads led to Gerard Gardens being demolished.
    So ok the residents now have beautiful homes and gardens but at a cost of almost constant turmoil, you only have to walk around there to see the pride they have in their area, they are happy why throw a spanner in the works now.
    And as for pensioners and students getting along I suggest you ask the people of Holy Cross the answer to that one.
    The original post I made was not really for discussion regardless of approval or disapproval, I am asking for any ideas as to halt the situation which I would really appreciate at the minute...thank you for the links Howie but please if possible think of something like Henry 8th once staying in a room above the Ponny!!! So we can slap a preservation order on the place.

  11. #11
    Keeping It Real !!!!!!!!! ItsaZappathing's Avatar
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    What a woman.
    Well put my dear

  12. #12
    Senior Member Howie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrszappa View Post
    I am asking for any ideas as to halt the situation which I would really appreciate at the minute...
    Could an objection not be made to the planning application for the change in use of the property from commercial to residential? Not sure what the grounds would be. Would be hard to argue, for example, that any more noise and disturbance would likely result from a student house than from a pub (as it once was).
    Last edited by Howie; 08-07-2009 at 11:59 PM.

  13. #13


    Howie you are spot on...because it was once a pub whilst the area was developed the planners are using it to dismiss any noise, nuisance complaint.
    My angle on this is the noise etc would have been from people who grew up lived and worked in the area as opposed to students who stay a short time have no interest in their surroundings because it is just a stopping off point.
    We say students the place could end up being a half way house or anything, it just says multiple occupation, i just wish i could think of some way to help.

  14. #14
    Smurf Member scouse smurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrszappa View Post
    We say students the place could end up being a half way house or anything, it just says multiple occupation, i just wish i could think of some way to help.
    So it could be an OAP home ? I guess ya need to find what sort of ppl they've got in mind for the place

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by scouse smurf View Post
    So it could be an OAP home ? I guess ya need to find what sort of ppl they've got in mind for the place
    easier said than done, they seem to be playing their cards very close to their chest.

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