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  1. #1
    Captain Kong captain kong's Avatar
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    Default BOB FAIRLY RIP



    Today I recieved the very sad news of our old friend and shipmate Bob Fairley, He has passed over the Bar. I recieved the sad news from Malcom on Vancouver Island.

    Bob Fairlie has crossed the bar. His daughter informed me of his passing, on Thursday. Bob was a veteran of the Second World War, and a man who
    was proud of his participation in those exciting days, particularly serving on
    the Murmansk run. Bob left the sea in the early fifties, married and emigrated to Canada, where he and his wife raised a family. He was also a member of the Canadian Merchant Seamans Assoociation, and it was when he came to Victoria to attend their general meeting that I got to meet him, having got to know him on the old Sailors Home site. Captain Kong and Ernie Higham recently hosted him at the Eldonian - see photos on the ships gallery thread,
    and Ron Manderson did the same last year when Bob visited Merseyside.
    So, those of us lucky enough to have enjoyed his company, however briefly,
    can look back on it with a smile, as Bob had an a dry sense of humour that
    really cracked you up.
    So, let us all raise a glass to a fine man. Cheers Bob.

    Ernie and I met up with Bob just over two weeks ago in the Eldonian Club and I posted his photos on the Gallery, It was a great pleasure to have met him, he always had a good sence of humour and kept us entertained with his jokes, sadly no more. It was a great shock to hear the news.
    Bob served on the Russian Convoys during World War 2.
    All the best Bob on your new venture. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Senior Member brian daley's Avatar
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    I read the news of Bobs passing with great sadness. I will miss his wry sense of humour ,when I was in hospital he sent me regular e.mails that were funny and inspiring. Out of all of us on the sailors sites he had the greatest story to tell,but his modesty forbade him to do so. He saw the worst of it during WW11 and kept his counsel; he told of the hardships and horror but he told of them through another mans experience. Tonight I shall pour some of the amber nectar and raise my glass to the heavens and wish our departed shipmate a safe and happy voyage.

  3. #3
    Senior Member kevin's Avatar
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    Sad news.
    R.I.P. Bob.

  4. #4
    Member Ron B Manderson's Avatar
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    Angry Bob I salute you

    Thanks alehouse for the sad e mail about Bob.
    I thought there was something wrong as he calls me at least 3 times a week on Skype. He was a gentleman and I was honoured to call him a friend.
    Some people may not know but Bob was a survivor of the famous PQ17 Convoy. Only 3 ships returned from that one. The bosses of the royal navy told the escorts to run, leaving the convoy to the dogs. Funny thing was that Bob never blamed the navy for that.
    The russians made a program searching for wrecks of PQ17. Bob was there and I was honoured to recieve a copy of the CD they sent to him. Boy they had it hard on that convoy. Yet Bob never spoke about it .
    I tried to get down to liverpool when he was over , but could not make it .
    I phoned him on the number in Wallesay but to no avail.
    But I was lucky to meet him in the navy club there last year. Also I was to visit him when I go to Canada.His family held him in high esstem and I can only send my respects to them .
    Bob You will always be remembered by my family as you spoke to them many times .
    God Bless. You don't get many of you in a llb. And the world would be a better place if we had more of your type.


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