The site was previously home to a small business centre, set up after the Toxteth riots, which has been gradually emptied over the past few months and is now shut.
Paul Tucker, representing the council, said: "There are good reasons why the building is in the wrong place and is being proposed at the wrong time.
"This location does not warrant a tall building of the type proposed - or at all.
"Stand towards the end of Northumberland Street, look west and ask whether open space, shops and a boutique hotel will really promote integration of the dock with Toxteth and Dingle."
Mr Tucker said the council would liketo see the small business centre reopened.
He added: "This was a comparatively successful employment generator, which brought together a number of different features to benefit the local area.
"The effect of granting planning permission would be the irrevocable loss of that resource."
But Christopher Katkowski QC, representing Maro, said the £100m tower would hugely improve this part of the city centre.
He said: "The proposal would make a positive and breathtaking contribution to the skyline, waterfront, and the immediate locality.
"It seems obvious that the location and setting would be enhanced, and significantly so, with the proposals in place.
"The proposals should produce more benefits than costs to the lives of those affected."
The public inquiry is due to last for three weeks before a final recommendation on the plan is sent to the government.