Clubmoor was a very green area compared to some other places. I was brought up on Knoclaid Rd. (tho. later my stomping grounds were Tuebrook, and all points.....) Within a couple of blocks from my house there was all kinds of parks and playing fields. The fields pretty well stretched to Walton Hall park, with just a few houses across from Walton Hall.
The 'Tew' Brook was uncovered back then for the length opf Maiden lane, just climb a sandstone wall and you were in the brook. Along with the rats and other 'orrible stuff.. The other side of Maiden lane was Corpy 'ouses and behind them, another field, never much used untill the early 50's. Then, the Yanks from Burtonwood and Sealand started playing baseball there. Well on a Saturday afternoon the place was packed with kids. You know, it was like the 'grotto' we came away every week with baseball bats, maybe split a little, but a little tape soon had them fixed. We'd baseballs, cos maybe they didn't feel right to the pitchers, They'd just toss them out to the crowd. We'd get mits, maybe a little frayed at the edges, but wow, we could use them. Along with all that was getting up close to those yanky cars. The size, the fins, v8's it was heaven.