Wonderful information about a great lady. Many thanks, everyone!
Wonderful information about a great lady. Many thanks, everyone!
Christopher T. George
Editor, Ripperologist
Editor, Loch Raven Review
Chris on Flickr and on MySpace
This is a great thread
She was a great lady, we should have a Kitty day in the city (no cat jokes Ged)
There was a play about Kitty Wilkinson. It was called 'The Last Pram From Stebble Street' it told the story of a group of women trying to stop the wash house being shut down, and told the story of how they began. Kitty is a saint, I still place flowers on her grave
Nice one Marky. Who threw that rubbish there
BE NICE......................OR ELSE
Flipping heck, I actually managed to upload an attachment (I hope).
This is the exterior of the Upper Frederick St washhouse.
I must point out that I didn't take it - I tracked it down for my latest walk which goes past Upper Frederick Street. I think I got it from Port Cities: - Public baths and wash-houses here although I wouldn't swear to it as I searched several sites.
Still, well done you posting your first pic.
Thanks, I think it must have been smaller than previous ones I've tried to post. Now the tourist season is ending and I have more time, I must see about getting myself a flickr account or something.