PLANS are being drawn up to re-brand the historic Ropewalks area as Liverpool?s independent quarter.

Shop and arts venue owners met this week to discuss ways to promote the uniqueness of the city centre area.

Consultants will be asked to come up with proposals to give the Ropewalks its own specific feel including signposting and a dedicated website.

There are also ambitious proposals to expand the world class FACT centre out from its home in Wood Street as a major part of the area?s future.

Matt Biagetti of Liverpool Vision, which is working with businesses in the Ropewalks, said: ?It?s looking at how the area should be marketed, what sort of identity it should have, how it should attract visitors and businesses and develop for the future.

?It?s a unique area - there?s nowhere else like it in the city and we want it to be recognised.?

FACT, one of the leading creative technology centres in the world, has ambitions to create a hi-tech ?gateway? wall to link it to the main thoroughfare of Bold Street.

Chief executive Mike Stubbs said the plan was likely to cost around ?600,000. He added: ?FACT is an award-winning, iconic piece of architecture in Liverpool and should have been much closer to Bold Street which is the unsung jewel in the crown of Liverpool. This isn?t just about FACT being more visible, it?s also about improving the Ropewalks district, making it a Bohemian, independent village.?

Dick Mawdsley, director of the Utility stores and chairman of the Ropewalks Stakeholders Forum, said: ?It?s really exciting.?

Source: Liverpool Echo

Related discussion and plenty of wonderful pictures of the area: Here

and here