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Thread: Empress Pub

  1. #1

    Default Empress Pub

    Hi!! Looking desperately for facts and old photos of the Empress Pub,High Park Street.........background history,when it was built etc etc
    Can anyone helpme??? Was up there last year and became interested of the area. I?m from Sweden and could use a bit of help.....maybe the Pub has changed the name???....

    Regards Lasse

  2. #2
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Here, there & everywhere.


    Hiya. Saw your posting on another forum.

    This was used as the LP cover on Ringo Starr's first post Beatles solo album - Sentimental Journey which contained covers of songs 'me mam used to sing and like' he recalled. His mum Elsie worked in there as a barmaid when young Richard Starkey lived in the next street at 10 Admiral Grove having moved from nearby 9 Madryn Street as a toddler. There is mention over the pub door of its use on the cover.

    Gores or Kellys street directories will give you its previous uses, it still stands as the Empress pub today.

    It is on the pubs page of my site below or if you google Ringo's album, a pic will come up.


    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  3. #3
    Senior Member taffy's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by lasse View Post
    Hi!! Looking desperately for facts and old photos of the Empress Pub,High Park Street.........background history,when it was built etc etc
    Can anyone helpme??? Was up there last year and became interested of the area. I?m from Sweden and could use a bit of help.....maybe the Pub has changed the name???....

    Regards Lasse
    I would suspect the Empress pub was built around 1870 to 1880 or so. If you want a more accurate date, you'd need to check the Liverpool Directories for the period. Photo attached taken in 1920s. Courtesy of "Pub on Every Corner" vol 2 by Freddy O'Connor
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Empress Pub High Park St  Liverpool 1920s R.jpg 
Views:	1298 
Size:	635.4 KB 
ID:	9800  
    Last edited by taffy; 03-26-2009 at 01:53 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Thank you very much!!!

    Now I?ve come a bit closer in my researches. It was a lovely photo!!



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