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Thread: bacon familly search

  1. #1
    Newbie frank's Avatar
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    Question bacon, lyons, mcdonald familly search

    does any one out there kno anything about a familly called bacon who resided in 16 comus st about 1903???. the head of the familly was henry bacon and his wife was mary, they had about 13 kids( no telly then) but mary was killed in a factory fire some time between 1903 and 1910, so the younger kids went in to care. i do kno that one of the daughters was called maggie, she later marreid and became lyons then re married and became mcdonald. she used to sell fruit and flowers on the pier head area. one of her sons was called frank mcdonald who i remember living in jason walk. i did hear that he was once the ladlord of the feathers on vauxhall rd. his his wife was called anne (ann alpen????) hopefully some one out theire knows something
    many thanks, frank.
    p.s, i can remember drinking in a pub called the honky tonk on scottie rd in the 70s. great pub great ale no windows just bricks ha ha , where has scottie rd gone??? its just empty spaces now,

    Last edited by frank; 03-19-2009 at 05:40 PM. Reason: adding names

  2. #2
    Senior Member gorgeous's Avatar
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    Hiya Frank ,
    Can you give us a rough idea of any dates .

    Is this of any help to you ?

    Margaret Bacon married Thomas Henry McDonald 1914 Liverpool.
    Children Mary b 1914.
    Ellen b 1915.
    Elizabeth b 1917.
    John b 1918.

    Mary Catherine Lyons married John Mcdonald 1893 Liverpool.

    Margaret McDonald born 1920 Liverpool mmn Bacon .
    Ann McDonald Born 1925 Liverpool , mmn Bacon .
    Christina McDonald b 1928 Liverpool . mmn Bacon .
    Kathleen Mcdonald b1929. Liverpool .mmn Bacon .
    Henry Mcdonald b 1930 Liverpool . mmn Bacon

    Good Luck
    Last edited by gorgeous; 03-22-2009 at 02:34 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member gorgeous's Avatar
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    Here's another
    Mary A Lyons , born sept 1917, Toxteth Park .
    mothers maiden name McDonald .


  4. #4
    Newbie frank's Avatar
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    Default maggie mcdonald

    hi karen,
    the only dates that i have so far is that in the 1901 census margret mcdonald was 8 so that means she would have been born in1893., so if the margaret that you have mentioned is the same one then she would have been 23. i am not sure of her husbands name . as far as dates go i only have dates regaurding where they lived. 1901, 26 thurlow, 1902/1903 gerard street. i do know that maggie used to sell flowers on london rd by whats now (or was tjs)she also used to sell flowers and rock down by pier head as did many others, and out side one of the cemetarys by scottie rd. she later lived in or near the springfield gardens tennements off st annes street, whilst there she she used to be known for laying out the corpses. she had kids called francis tommy harry mary thereasa and whilst she was lyons a daughter called annie and i think her husband was alex lyons, maggie had a brother harry bacon who married agirl called mary and used to have the railway pub in edgehill. they had 2 kids called harry and mary. maggies best mate was a girl called bessie braddock, who i believe went on to become a labour m.p. in liverpool,( thats if my info is correct).
    i have just joined so if i get any better dates i will let you know,
    many thanks for your reply and interest....franck

  5. #5
    Senior Member gorgeous's Avatar
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    Hiya Frank .

    Margaret Bacon b c 1893.

    Married age 21 June 1914, to Thomas McDonald
    Liverpool ref no 8B PAGE 155,


  6. #6
    Newbie frank's Avatar
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    Default margret bacon

    hi karen,
    margret bacon 1893....married june 1914 to thomas mcdonald at the age of 21 could be a hit, maggie (margret)had a son called tommy so it could be part of my familly. im off to liverpool library today to look up St Francis Xaviers parish records. will let you know the outcome... many thanks ............frank.

  7. #7
    Newbie frank's Avatar
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    hi karen,finaly i have made progress, i have found and spoken to living members of my lost family in liverpool. some are still in scottie rd area but others had moved to different parts of the pool. once again many thanks for your help

  8. #8
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank View Post
    hi karen,finaly i have made progress, i have found and spoken to living members of my lost family in liverpool. some are still in scottie rd area but others had moved to different parts of the pool. once again many thanks for your help

    Good to hear, Frank. Continued good luck to you in your enquiries.

    Last edited by ChrisGeorge; 03-26-2009 at 08:30 PM.
    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
    Editor, Loch Raven Review
    Chris on Flickr and on MySpace

  9. #9
    Senior Member gorgeous's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Hiya Frank ,

    once you start looking you'll be hooked ,
    Good luck in your search
    please keep us posted
    Karen xx

    ~~~ (waves to Chris )

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