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Thread: Gardens of Stone..........again!!!

  1. #1
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Default Gardens of Stone..........again!!!

    The Liverpool School of Architecture have asked Paul (the Gardens) to show his newly updated classic film documentary (and Sefton short film nomination) 'Gardens of Stone' at their Budden Lecture Theatre, Abercromby Square at 6 pm next tuesday 3rd March as part of their 'Projecting Place - Liverpool on film' events.

    Well, with a build up like that, how can you miss it?. Anyone who has seen it before and wants to again, or those of you, some of the newer members on here, for whom it will be the first time but have read about it on here, in the echo or via the Roger Phillips Radio Merseyside phone-in, just drop me an email or message on here and i'll ping the final numbers through to Judith next week. I know there's already one or two on here that are going who I mentioned this to last week.

    With the vast majority of the audience expected to be architect students, and with the subject matter being the art deco tenement blocks (but a lot more covered), there is bound to be a lively debate, before and after i'm sure, there always is.

    For further information about the film, please see here:

    Last edited by Ged; 03-03-2009 at 01:04 PM.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  2. #2


    I hope its a great night, Sadly I cant make it but one for the future for me
    BE NICE......................OR ELSE

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