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Thread: Sir Thomas White Gardens. Melbourne St. Hobart St.

  1. #1
    Newbie graysonlad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Sir Thomas White Gardens. Melbourne St. Hobart St.

    I have been looking at pics of the North End.
    But can't find any pictures or mention of Sir Thomas White Gardens. My wife lived there from 1937 until 1958. That's when we got married and moved to live at 11 Hobart street and then in at 13 Hobart street. Hobart street was a little side street running between Melbourne St and York Terrace.
    Hobart St had a row of terraced houses, just on one side, that faced a sandstone wall. At the top of Hobart St (York Terrace end) was Our Ladys RC school. The Church was on St Domingo Road and Sir Thommy Whites seemed to be built around it. When our house along with other was compulsory purchased, we moved out live in Warrington.

    Does any one know of the background details of 2 other Liverpool streets, Grayson St. and Rollo St? I am interested in how or why they had those names e.g. the names where we lived had Australian connections, so why Grayson St and Rollo St, were they named after once important Liverpool people?

    Help would be welcomed.

  2. #2
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
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    Check out the 'other tenements' page on my website below for starters, you've been looking in the wrong places Graysonlad - then take a look at the other pages, plenty of the St. Domingo area from different decades.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

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