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Thread: Ship Repair on the Mersey

  1. #1
    Newbie graysonlad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Ship Repair on the Mersey

    I am trying to gather any information, stories/pictures/memories from anyone who remembers Grayson Rollo & Clover Docks in Birkenhead.

    I was an apprentice in the yard from 1953 (I am now aged 72). In that time I worked on many ships that came into the yard for repairs. I also worked up and down the line of docks on both sides of the river, later I sailed for Bibby Line, mostly coasting.

    The yard was by the ferry and railway station at Woodside. At the other side of the yard was Monks Ferry and then there was Lairds. The facilities in the yard for crews that had to stay on board whilst repairs went on, were to say the least very very basic.

    I am particularly interested in pay and condition that we had to endure. If you have any memories/information I would love to share them.

  2. #2
    Newbie Headman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Grayson Rollo

    I worked Graysons at that time as an Electrician I remember you as an apprentice I was a younger apprentice in the old and new shop with you. I am David Hambley do you remember me?

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