In the early seventies I did an outward bound course in Morayshire at a sea school in the village of Burghhead a small fishing village on the Moray Firth. We sailed in 12 foot Ketch?s and the three master little boats were quite tough little crafts. At first I hated it and the sight of the sea made me sick. After a while the exercises grew on me and I began to actually enjoy going out and riding into the Harbor on the surf tide. I was in Scot watch and we were made up of lads from all walks of life. Some were from grammar schools others were from public school, a couple of trainee policemen and two lads from Glasgow one Celtic one Rangers. We all sang the ?wild rover? as we sailed and the sea would make me hungry. The instructor informed us that we would be sailing across the Firth as a finale with all the other Watch?s, that year the crossing time was a record and Scot Watch got back in first. I remember on the return journey how we tacked the wind and caught the surf tide coming home the Ketch rose to the occasion and the lads all congratulated each other for the achievement. We also climbed in the Cairngorm?s and did a survival test in the wilds