I wonder if anyone might be able to help me with sources of information on Liverpool life in general between 1911 and 1914. I am researching for a book which will be set in this time frame. I want to get as much information as possible on how a working class family might have lived. I also want to know what was going on in Liverpool during this period so that I can put the events of the book in the correct historical context. I would be grateful if anyone can recomend books (fact or fiction), websites, articles or whatever. I want to absorb as much information as possible about the city during this period. I'd be particularly be interested to know about the following:

Dock labourers' pay and conditions of employment
How the system operated for dock workers. Were they hired by the day?
How the overhead railway operated (how much was a ticket? Did they have inspectors? etc)
What would be the diet of a working class family?
Would a widow with 5 kids get any help from the state or otherwise?
How did people end up in the workhouse and how could they get out of there?
What did people do in the workhouse?
Army recruitment in the city pre WW1. Circa 1912/13
The tensions between catholic and protestants in the city during the 1911-1913 period. Netherfield Road riots?

I know there is a lot that I am searching for, but I'd be grateful for pointers where I can get this information. Perhaps someone knows a good bookshop where I can get local history books. Waterstones has only a very small selection.

Thanks in advance for any info you can give.