Does any body have any information on this building?
we currently use it to carry out restoraton of ornamental plasterwork.
its number 12 heald street,
its an old building and was wondering what it has been used for over the years.
Does any body have any information on this building?
we currently use it to carry out restoraton of ornamental plasterwork.
its number 12 heald street,
its an old building and was wondering what it has been used for over the years.
Is it the old cop shop?
Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea.
Dylan Thomas
taffy, thats the place in the picture yeah. That picture cant be any more than 6 years old?
any body got any other photos of the place?
since i work in the place and i just found this site id like to see what info on the place i can dig up
can anyone confirm it being an old aquarium?
Taffy was quick with that pic and info - well done, and you too Kev for your info.