Heritage row as homes go

Oct 15 2008 by Marc Waddington, Liverpool Echo

CAMPAIGNERS reacted angrily to councillors? decision to allow the destruction of three Georgian houses to make way for student flats.

They said the decision to let 128 single-bedroom studio flats be built in London Road meant more of Liverpool?s iconic 19th-century housing stock could be at risk in the future. The plan was previously refused on the grounds the units were too small to be sold on the open market, as originally planned.

Florence Gersten, of the Save Our City campaign, said she was appalled Georgian housing was being lost.

She said: ?These houses are disappearing at a rapid rate, lots of them all over the place.

?There is an assumption it is only if buildings are architecturally outstanding that they should be saved, but I do not agree. These houses are part of our history.?

Miss Gersten added she felt English Heritage was not defending Liverpool?s architectural heritage. The organisation did not make any representations over the application.

She said: ?English Heritage are not making any noise over this. These buildings do not get listed because the interiors may have been altered over the years.?

The application, from Westville Developments, was granted permission at yesterday?s planning committee meeting.