Have you ever thought you knew something then when you sat down and thought about it, realised that you didn't really know much for sure?

I was just about to write a paragraph about the Baltic Triangle when I began to wonder what really gave it its name. I've always thought that Baltic timber yards and shipping lines were based there but now I wonder. Where the timber yards really owned by Baltic companies or just by British ones who imported the wood from Scandinavia? Were there any Scandinavian shipping or fishing companies based there? Or just British ones which traded with the Baltic ports? I seem to remember that the whaling industry was around there - was that controlled by the Scandinavians? I guess I'm wondering if the connection was just through the products that came from the Baltic states (and if so, what were they) or if Baltic companies actually operated from there? I know the Scandinavian church was/is there and I wonder if Scandinavians actually lived in the area or if it was just Baltic seamen who visited the church.

Any help in defining the "Baltic-ness" of the triangle appreciated!
