Never knew we had one of these too!
Oct 6 2008 by Richard Down, Liverpool Daily Post
SAMBA beats throbbed through a festival celeb- rating Liverpool?s Indepen- dent Quarter this weekend.
The Liverpool Samba School was joined by live music throughout Bold street and in eateries such as Cafe Union, while Laurel and Hardy look-alikes fooled around at the Soul Cafe.
To mark the Bold Street Festival on Saturday, balloons with the street?s name were handed out, as well as goody bags, and children were treated to magicians, face-painting, storytelling and a Design-a-Rubber Duck competition at Utility.
Dick Mawdsley, of Utility, who chairs the Bold Street Traders Association, said: ?It was brilliant. So many stores on the street took part and organised so many different events that it made a great day out.
?It created quite a lot of attention and because it was successful I think that some of the bigger retailers will come on board to make future events bigger and better.
?It helped reinforce the image Bold Street has developed as an unique area in the city.?
Visitors also got to see The Yoko Ono Ladders installation in St Luke?s Church, and the Atelier Bow Wow rockscape, on the corner of Renshaw Street, which are key parts of Liverpool Biennial 08. Bold Street retailers have previously spoken of their concerns that Liverpool One?s arrival could pull people away from their shops. But Mr Mawdsley said Saturday?s events were part of an ongoing programme to ensure the entire Ropewalks area did not get forgotten, but instead capitalised on its alternative reputation.