[COLOR=#000000][B]Trains Create Economic Growth and are Viable[/B] It is generally accepted that railways create economic growth and that they are viable. The problem is that many railways used, and still do, accounting systems based on ticket prices, which made them "unviable". They were viable as the economic growth they created soaked into the land emerging as land values. This wealth was not captured to feed back to fund the rail networks. Hence many realistically viable ...
Updated 01-17-2012 at 05:51 PM by Waterways
[COLOR="black"]Economist say there is no silver bullet to solve the economic crisis. [B]There is. A tax reform to that will make us all richer.[/B] It is had been adopted 10 years ago it would have prevented the housing boom spiralling into a financial catastrophe, and Britain would be leading the way to prevent the global environmental crisis. All we have to do is reverse the 16th century coup against the people of England by the aristocracy. ...
[COLOR="black"][FONT="Verdana"][B]THE PROBLEM[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Three million children today are living in poverty. Children born to the poorest families suffer little or no social mobility. Successions of governments, of different parties, can't change this due to the tax system. [/INDENT][/INDENT] Are politicians to blame? [INDENT][INDENT]The biggest scam in history was instigated on the people centuries ago by the Lords, Barons and Knights of ...