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  1. No Hoper

    by , 07-30-2011 at 05:17 PM (Australian Bound/ Living with royalty)
    So over the next few week's that turned into month's, with no job prospects, no money to go out with, all my mates had started to get girl & boyfriends, so all what I had done was and had hit home, so i was really feeling sorry for myself!! that's when I decided to listen to some advice my dad had given me listen to what your heart is telling you and you won't go wrong, so after a visit to the Prescot Labour exchange same time, same old questions, same old faces, went home here take this £ ...
  2. Alone again or Bob Marley & smokers at the hospital door

    While all's asleep, some moons have passed since I started to log my nightmare, ( I'll let you be in my nightmare if you let me be in your daydream)

    ****** I wake to the vaporous moonlight in the ward. The

    wind is slight, but each gust trembles the glass in the window

    frame. My fellow guests sleep as the moonlight dances it's

    nocturnal jig unnoticed, save for I, my trembling face in the

    window I call Mr Face, and a new guest, ...
  3. Last couple of weeks's on the job

    by , 07-26-2011 at 06:39 AM (Australian Bound/ Living with royalty)
    So after I last visted home and talking to my so called mates/girlsfriends it started me thinking of what I (thought) I was missing out on? even though my mum & dad tried to reason with me to way up the good & bad about this great job I decided to hand my notice in so I told my parents of my intentions just think about it first (but in the mean time they made a few phone calls without the other people letting on they knew) while I was thinking, I was given a very strange request/inviitation? ...
  4. Re-caring nightmare and my travels on the nova express

    *****Let me say straight away that the name[I]"nova express" [/I]

    was first coined by William Burroughs. It's just a convenient

    monicker, nicked to describe my fast moving dream imploding

    like a CRT screen...and then the real nightmare starts.

    *****I've been sleeping and I'm woken by the something

    falling or breaking. Sometimes it's a book, an ornament or

    picture frame, quite often it's a window (the nightmare ...
  5. The Roya & guess visitl

    by , 07-22-2011 at 11:24 PM (Australian Bound/ Living with royalty)
    So after driving up the his lordships Lancaster Estate ( he has this one and 3 houses in London and Lancashire, Lord Derby as the lord lieutant of Lancashire has numous) we spent about 3 days up there pheasant shooting then John the Lancaster Butler annoced the Queen & the Royal family would be arriving for 4 days people pay thousands of £'s and he's me getting paid for seeing them people say the the Royal family are stuck up but take it from me out of the spotlight their just normal people ...
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