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  1. Five Liner Cruise Terminal at Central Docks

    [COLOR=#000000]The cruise industry is booming and expanding. Liverpool can take a fair slice of the this market for sure, with 3/4 of the Uks population with in a 2 hour drive. [B] For three or four liners the docks near the city centre for sure will give greater bang for buck than one liner floating stages[/B], as Peel have proposed and to fill in a dock to serve this small facility.

    A [B]four [/B]to maybe [B]five[/B] liner terminal can be built in Central Docks by excavating the ...

    Updated 01-19-2012 at 11:21 AM by Waterways

  2. Commuter-Rail and Inner-City decline

    [COLOR=#000000][B]Trains Create Economic Growth and are Viable[/B]

    It is generally accepted that railways create economic growth and that they are viable. The problem is that many railways used, and still do, accounting systems based on ticket prices, which made them "unviable". They were viable as the economic growth they created soaked into the land emerging as land values. This wealth was not captured to feed back to fund the rail networks. Hence many realistically viable ...

    Updated 01-17-2012 at 04:51 PM by Waterways

  3. Liverpool ghosts and horrors of fact and fiction

    My own New Year workroom clearance sale continues with an unexpected find:

    the last few copies of the limited edition (only 150 printed) short horror pamphlet On the Banks of the River Jordan (

    One reviewer of the story wrote:
    "In an appropriate time and place, reading On the Banks of the River Jordan can make one question their own security in a world filled with the spectres of bygone ...
  4. Beneath the Beat

    Hello folks, i've just set up a blog dealing with the music history of Liverpool called BENEATH THE BEAT.

    It's not just restricted to one period or type of music. I'm still a learner in this field, so if any of you great guys here on Yo have any ideas or suggestions for posts please do get in touch.

    I'll kick off with a post about Bob Dylan and his unusual adventures in Liverpool.

    http://beneaththebea ...