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  1. hopwoo street help

    Dear members, I am sorry to bother you but this sites my last hope. I am trying to gather information on anything related to hopwood street for my parents, who are trying to action a right to buy on there current home. They moved from there in 1985 and lived in the old three storeys at the back of what local people used to call the rat pub or the jamaica. The info we need is prove of demolition, council deals on hopwood street old pictuers etc anything relating to it I have just joined the site ...
  2. Housing Mistakes

    [QUOTE=Peter McGurk;400038]Well this may be true for Wales but it certainly isn’t a common tradition in England, much as anyone may wish it otherwise.

    In England at least there is a rather more rounded view of the issue, or rather it’s place at the heart of a state run by capital. In England’s book, wealth creates prosperity and jobs for all. Indeed the creation of wealth is fundamental to the liberal notion of prosperity for all.

    If you are anti-capitalist well ...