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  1. Liverpool/Merseyside to Join Wales

    Welsh & Scots devolution puts Glasgow, Edinburgh and Cardiff in great situations to English cities. The devolved countries have the power to introduce their taxation. There was a debate on Land Valuation Taxation in the Welsh Assembly recently. Glasgow is attempting to get Land Valuation Taxation implemented. This is difficult to do in England as the United Kingdom government have to pass this sort of tax.

    Liverpool with derelict buildings, similar to Glasgow, attempted to get ...
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  2. Five Liner Cruise Terminal at Central Docks

    [COLOR=#000000]The cruise industry is booming and expanding. Liverpool can take a fair slice of the this market for sure, with 3/4 of the Uks population with in a 2 hour drive. [B] For three or four liners the docks near the city centre for sure will give greater bang for buck than one liner floating stages[/B], as Peel have proposed and to fill in a dock to serve this small facility.

    A [B]four [/B]to maybe [B]five[/B] liner terminal can be built in Central Docks by excavating the ...

    Updated 01-19-2012 at 11:21 AM by Waterways

  3. Commuter-Rail and Inner-City decline

    [COLOR=#000000][B]Trains Create Economic Growth and are Viable[/B]

    It is generally accepted that railways create economic growth and that they are viable. The problem is that many railways used, and still do, accounting systems based on ticket prices, which made them "unviable". They were viable as the economic growth they created soaked into the land emerging as land values. This wealth was not captured to feed back to fund the rail networks. Hence many realistically viable ...

    Updated 01-17-2012 at 04:51 PM by Waterways

  4. The Mythical Gordon Brown Big Debt

    To clear up the mythical Gordon Brown big debt:

    Below: Note that Brown in 2008 was spending about the same as Major in 1992 and far less than Thatcher in 1983.

    Below: It's not the level of spending that's important it is the deficit - the difference between spending and revenue. As long as the chancellor raises enough in taxes to cover his spending over the cycle there's not a problem. Also the deficit gives you the full ...

    Updated 06-29-2011 at 07:43 PM by Waterways

    Tags: debt, deficit Add / Edit Tags
  5. Commuter-Rail and Inner-City decline

    [COLOR="black"][B]Trains Create Economic Growth and are Viable[/B]

    It is generally accepted that railways create economic growth and that they are viable. The problem is that many railways used, and still do, accounting systems based on ticket prices, which made them "unviable". They were viable as the economic growth they created soaked into the land emerging as land values. This wealth was not captured to feed back to fund the rail networks. Hence many realistically ...

    Updated 04-27-2011 at 12:08 PM by Waterways

    Tags: merseyrail Add / Edit Tags
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