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  1. Liverpool's Original 7 Streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Kev View Post
    I thought it would be a good idea to rekindle interest in the existing thread here.

    Can I encourage members to add their own pics (PAST AND PRESENT) to this thread of the streets and buildings.......

    I took myself on a photo mission this morning to snap images of these historic streets:

    High Street:

  2. Go! Liverbirds and Liverpool Coat of Arms Pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by Kev View Post
    Some of my own pics taken today:

  3. Salt of the Earth

    Salt of the Earth

    As the weapons of Europe (1916) destroyed the lives and limbs of the flower of Europe?s manhood in an attempt to satisfy the politicians, moguls and financial vultures, the thoughts of Johnny Kane were concentrated on a drama more close to his heart and mind as he and his trusted assistant Jim Donnelly, a free state Irishman who enjoyed neutrality, prepared the numerous rums and coffee so much in demand at *6 AM by the hardworking dockers and carters of Liverpool?s ...

    Updated 01-20-2010 at 06:53 PM by Kev

  4. The Moorish Arch Chatsworth Street, Edge Hill, Liverpool

    Wrote by myself for the Daily Post, thought I'd share it here:

    The Moorish Arch Chatsworth Street, Edge Hill, image courtesy of Liverpool Records Office

    THE recent explosion of interest in the city of Liverpool brought about by the build up to 2007 and 2008 has seen Liverpool's historical legacy and achievements embedded firmly in the public mind.


    Updated 01-20-2010 at 06:46 PM by Kev
