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Thread: Aigburth District

  1. #1
    Senior Member julia's Avatar
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    Default Aigburth District

    Does anyone here live in Aigburth or know anyone who does? If so, what do you (Or they) think of the area?

    Someone at my temp job suggested it as a good neighbourhood with somewhat afforable house pricing. Is this correct?

  2. #2
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    Aigburth Vales the nicest part of it.
    Gididi Gididi Goo.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Mad Harri's Avatar
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    Aigburth Vale is awful, there's more yobs around there than anywhere else.

    Try anywhere around the Cricket Club, that's ok. I remember seeing new housing estates being put up down that road by the Cricket club. Aigburth's quite nice. It's no Allerton but it's nice.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Norm NZ's Avatar
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    Default Re Aigburth!

    Have a walk down Lark Lane, Julia, Nice Area! and look down Hadassah Grove, check out the Lark Lane Web Site, and also handy for Sefton Park! Good Hunting!

  5. #5
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    South of Aigburth Vale - fine and dandy. Town end of Eggy Vale isn't brilliant and deteriorates as it reaches bottom of Park Rd. Popular with students that end.

    Lark Lane is a wonderful area - a jewel in Liverpool's crown.
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  6. #6
    Roving Arriva Bus User! wallasey's Avatar
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    I quite like being round there, And to be honest, I would call the Park Road area Dingle rather than Aigburth!

    It is pleasant though and is very leafy; There is also a variation of side street housing too. Some are lengthy terraces (with a view of North Wales sometimes) and others are very leafy streets with large villa housing. The bad thing about that area is that the nearest Sayers is more or less in Dingle as it is round by Park Road. Eggy Vale has a good selection of shops and buses to the city, the airport and to Bootle via Queens Drive. So it is well placed for commuting.

    The suburb was featured in "Watching" if anyone recalls. Malcolm and Brenda moved into a house which was owned by Bernard and Malcolms Aunt. Brenda found it to be very boreing. Something I don't know about!

  7. #7
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    A MASKED schoolboy gang went on a playground rampage, attacking fellow pupils at a Liverpool school.

    The gang of teenage boys, wearing hoods and scarves over their faces, randomly set upon other youngsters at St Margaret’s High School in Aigburth.

    Two boys were injured - one suffering rib injuries and the other facial injuries - and were taken to hospital after the incident last Monday.

    A 16 year-old pupil, who witnessed the attack, said the gang, made up of up to 30 Year 11 pupils, launched unprovoked attacks against younger students.

    The teenager, who asked not to be named, said: “It was during the lunch break. There were about 20 or 30 of them, all aged about 15 or 16.

    “They put their hoods up on their jackets and put scarves up around their faces.

    “Then they went around the main yard. It was completely random and the attacks were all on lads who were younger, about 13 or 14.

    “They were all concentrated attacks, about eight of them on each lad.
    Different ones were having a go on different people.

    “They just seemed to be stamping on the lad’s heads. There were at least 10 lads attacked.

    “Eventually they all dispersed.”

    The two students taken to hospital were allowed home later the same day.
    One has since returned to school and the other is expected to return in the near future.

    Dr David Dennison, head teacher of the Aigburth Road school, confirmed an investigation was underway.

    He said the incident involved “a handful of students” and parents had been spoken to.

    He added: “Aggressive behaviour is totally unacceptable and there is no place in this school for students who assault others.

    “All students have been informed that no ball games are allowed that might lead to accidental or deliberate injury.

    “St Margaret's school has at the heart of its ethos the Christian belief that all individuals should be respected.

    “The school has a strict discipline and behaviour policy and we expect all students who uphold this policy. As a result of our ethos, events like this are extremely rare and dealt with firmly should they occur.”

    A spokeswoman for the North West Ambulance Service, said: “We were called to the school at 1.36pm to reports of an assault involving two children.

    “One child had facial injuries and a second child had rib injuries.
    “The injuries were caused in two separate incidents. Both were taken to Alder Hey Childrens’ Hospital.”

    A spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said they were aware of two allegations of assault. IC Liverpool
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  8. #8
    Guest theninesisters's Avatar


    You didn't get that in my day!

    Although we did get in to a few 'incidents' with the school next door - we had many names for em, most of em I can't repeat

  9. #9
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    There'd be mass brawls between Calderstones kids and New Hayes Kids so you would see that stuff In my day.
    Gididi Gididi Goo.

  10. #10
    Newbie Downey's Avatar
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    The Echo makes it sound like it was people coming in from a outside of the school, but what it doesn't make clear is that the people responsible are actually pupils of st margarets themselves.

  11. #11
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by Kev View Post
    South of Aigburth Vale - fine and dandy. Town end of Eggy Vale isn't brilliant and deteriorates as it reaches bottom of Park Rd. Popular with students that end.

    Lark Lane is a wonderful area - a jewel in Liverpool's crown.
    Oh dear!
    I live at the bottom of Park Road.
    No students near me, just new property, renovated property, and Victorian terraces opposite the Ancient Chapel.

    However, there are plenty of students at the beginning of the Aigburth Road/Ullet Road area.
    Last edited by PhilipG; 01-30-2007 at 08:33 PM.

  12. #12
    Guest FKoE's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by Jona76 View Post
    we had many names for em, most of em I can't repeat

  13. #13
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhilipG View Post
    Oh dear!
    I live at the bottom of Park Road.
    No students near me, just new property, renovated property, and Victorian terraces opposite the Ancient Chapel.

    However, there are plenty of students at the beginning of the Aigburth Road/Ullet Road area.
    Students= Pure Evil.

    Especially when they wake my Sister up with their music at night.

    Landlords won't rent to anyone else.
    Gididi Gididi Goo.

  14. #14
    no longer a lurker johnmed's Avatar
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    I moved to Aigburth Vale just over a year ago from Waterloo.

    Since moving here my car has been vandalised twice. My girlfriend's 3 times, and my mate's car is pretty much constantly kicked and run over.

    New Year's Day; two new windscreens for my girl and mate, after they were kicked in.

    Don't know why it's like it is here, it looks so nice, is leafy, parks abound.

    However Aigburth as a whole, I have been told, is fine...

    Lark Lane is ok, like a poor man's Camden I think.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Jericho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnmed View Post
    I moved to Aigburth Vale just over a year ago from Waterloo.

    Since moving here my car has been vandalised twice. My girlfriend's 3 times, and my mate's car is pretty much constantly kicked and run over.

    New Year's Day; two new windscreens for my girl and mate, after they were kicked in.

    Don't know why it's like it is here, it looks so nice, is leafy, parks abound.

    However Aigburth as a whole, I have been told, is fine...

    Lark Lane is ok, like a poor man's Camden I think.

    Which part of Camden is Lark Lane like? I might be wrong mate but something tells me that you don't know Lark Lane or Camden all that well!

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