Mill Road hospital was hit by German bombs on 3rd May 1941 with large loss of life. A maternity ward was hit and mothers and their new born babies died. I have been going through the death list and have been reduced to tears. This is one of the saddest things I have ever read about.

I think this sums it up.

died 03/05/1941, aged 2 days.
Daughter of George and Elizabeth Ann Connor, of 20B Warwick Gardens. Died at Mill Road Infirmary.

How can we forget them?

Im adding a page to this tragic event on the war website.

Im looking for pics of Mill Road Hospital to use. befor/during/or after the bombing.

The 70th Anniversary is 3rd May 2011. Im hoping to get along to the site to remember it. Im hoping others will come too. We have to remember these babies.

Im thinking would people buy a Teddy Bear for the kiddies. We could donate them to Alder Hey or another kids place? what do you think?

during the bombing many died. Many ambulance drivers, nurses and staff. Patients too.

I have found a few stories of witnesses. Its very sad to read. But so important that we remember.